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Everything posted by sam_free

  1. <p>Les: Not strictly true as Olympus' SLRs also used off-the-film metering and would measure exposure during the exposure. I have an OM-4 which does this.</p> <p>OP: Use the reciprocity chart for the film to make your exposure compensations for the reciprocity failure associated it.</p>
  2. It turns out that they all do it! Panic over. It must just be the old school nature...
  3. <p>Thanks folks. I also contacted amazon and they are sending me another new F6 to test side-by-side to see if there is a fault or not. Customer service!</p>
  4. <p>Hello All,<br> I have recently invested in a Nikon F6 and noticed that in dark/subdued light the red focus point illumination spreads to nearby focus points, causing them to light up too (maybe 50% of the brightness of the selected point) which is rather distracting!<br> Has anybody experienced this before with the same camera or a similar Nikon SLR? Any idea if I should complain/return it.<br> Thanks in advance for any responses.<br> S</p>
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