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Everything posted by ted_weitz2

  1. <p>Thanks guys,<br> I am at work this week [got a pay for my expensive hobby somehow :) ] So I will be home in a few days where I can play with the cameras. The RZ screen is new as the lens but I will try swapping things around. Sorry for my ignorance but does the screen in the RZ look like a Macro screen? Is that the issue? The bellows look great in the RZ so I do not see a light leak which was my other thought. <br> Is there a good place in VT, NH for repair - maintenance anyone could recommend for the Mamiya? I may need some professional help. [My wife says I do :) ]</p>
  2. <p>I can not switch screen between the RB and the RZ [i think]</p>
  3. <p>Hi<br /> Thanks for helping me figuring this one out.<br /> I have both cameras with 180mm, it is a bit hard to show it with these iPhone pictures. both have 1:4.5 Both open aperture and the auto in the lens works well.<br /> Initially I thought I might have a diopter corrected magnifying glass but switching it around made no difference<br /><br /><br /> <img src="http://tedweitz.smugmug.com/Other/Test/i-qSJWKsd/0/M/IMG_3048-M.jpg" alt="" /><br /> <br /> <img src="http://tedweitz.smugmug.com/Other/Test/i-CXwJp9x/0/M/IMG_3047-M.jpg" alt="" /><br /><br /> <img src="http://tedweitz.smugmug.com/Other/Test/i-9sBfVTQ/0/M/IMG_3049-M.jpg" alt="" /> <strong> <br /></strong><br> <br /><br /><br> I posted the images here<br /><br /><br /> http://tedweitz.smugmug.com/Other/Test/</p>
  4. <p>Hi<br> Just picked up an RZ body and added a lens [180] a screen and a back When I look through the WL viewer it is very dark with a lighter area in the center when I use the magnifying glass.<br> The mirror looks like it is moving down fine after a shot, the screen and the WL are in place new battery is in, what could that be or is it the way it should be. I have a67RB and the VF there is bright.<br> It does not look like in the attached picture :( Can't figure that out<br> Thanks!<br> Ted<br> <img src="https://cdn.photographylife.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/A-Very-Personal-Mamiya-RZ67-Pro-Review.jpg" alt="" /></p>
  5. <p>Thanks again for all the info! <br> As I am spending my way into savings I have placed some film orders through Amazon [and a ~new EOS 1V through Ebay] <br> Trying to figure out Freestyle, is there away to know what are the actual make of their film? Is the expired Tri X [Arista] as good as new? Any good ones for color from them?<br> Just joined the Film project http://filmphotographyproject.com </p>
  6. <p>Hi<br> I am getting back into photography and are trying the digital process. Just bought an Epson R3000 and got it up and running last night. The pictures - prints I got were disappointing. They were too flat and lifeless. On the Lightroom screen they looked great on the paper it was a dud. <br> Is it just a learning curve? Is there any settings I should look into to revive these prints.<br> I use Lightroom on Mac [mostly] with a wifi printer connection. I have tried B@W and color though I am mostly interested in B#W.<br> Is there a better [reasonable] printer? Are there a key setting I should implement? Is there a specific kind of paper I should try that will show me the light?<br> Thanks!<br> Ted</p>
  7. <p>Thanks!<br> I recently bought an Epson 3000 so I can do some printing. The scanning will add some $12 to the film developing at the lab so I think I will let the lab do it for now. I was thinking of getting the Epson 850M. It is around $850 at Adorama so it may make sense on the long run. Was not sure if the 6400 DPI is similar to what I will get at the lab scan where the lab scans it at 4815 x 5902 for a 6*7 frame.<br> Now the dumb question, how is that scan compares to 20Mb that I get now on my 35mm DSLR? </p>
  8. <p>Thanks so much guys,<br> I think I will start with the digitizing process first and will see if I will ever get the basement dark room actually going. I guess if I can find some good training - workshop for developing - printing I might give it a try.<br> Ken, where can I get a good Kodak Metallic printing? <br> Love this forum, you guys are so helpful<br> Ted </p>
  9. <p>Thanks<br> I just remembered that there was some source that appeared to support our hobby mentioned somewhere here. I searched for it could not find it again.<br> It is Freestyle so I will look there. Amazon B&H and Adorama are looking like the other options.<br> Thanks so much,<br> Ted</p> <p> </p>
  10. <p>Hi<br> Just wondered as I am stepping back into film. Is there a good online source to buy it [Kodak Ilford] <br> Than,<br> Ted</p>
  11. <p>Thanks so much Les,<br> I was thinking of using the MF and LF lightly getting a roll or two of 120 at a time. Few times a month at most. Enlarging mostly to 8*10 very rarely if ever to max of 40" if it is an exceptional shot<br> Thanks again, Ted</p>
  12. <p>Ola,<br> I am trying to walk back into B&W and picked up a Mamiya RB67 [and a 4*5 LF Camera] I am trying to figure out if I should attempt to rebuild a darkroom and do the whole process in analog or do most people now scan the film and print from the digitized file.<br> Are there an advantages to print analog the old fashion way or digitizing it as just as good?<br> If to digitized, is the Epson 750M the way to go or should I just send it out to a lab?<br> If digitizing in a lab wich one is recommended by people here?<br> And for film development in the NE or mail in are there any recommendation of a specific lab.<br> Sorry for having so many question, it has been a long time...<br> Thanks so very much,<br> Ted</p>
  13. <p>Thanks Guys!<br> I appreciate the responds I got here for my novice posting.<br> I was just playing with the idea as I thought that it can replace the Polaroid back. It is the B&W appearance of it that I thought it will help with. Given all that, I wondered if others have done that and is it a common practice in LF. I will try playing with it and see how practical it is. </p>
  14. <p>Hi<br /> I am just getting started with Large Format and have no practical experience with it. I am interested in getting B&W work with that format.<br /> I was thinking if we can use the IPad [iPad Mini] for visualization like what the polaroid back is used for. Not sure if this is being done already or not. The size of the iPad seems to me to land it self for such usage.<br /> Do people here have any experience with such usage? Are there any Apps people like for B&W usage on the iPad that they found helpful - useful?<br /> Thanks so much<br /> Ted</p>
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