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  1. <p>Sorry.... Newbie to developing medium format or any format beyond digital. Lucky enough to be thrust into it with a Hasselblad 500C/M. But, if your basing off a recipe that is beyond the standard 20c Developing temp, and standard dilution do the rest of your chemicals (fixers / perma wash / Photo-flo) do those ratios / times change as well???<br> Any thoughts and guidance would be appreciated..... if not I would hate to burn through film testing to figure it out...... I'm an avid OCD learner and would love to know..... but if I have to test myself I will but would rather be successful early on.... (especially because the camera is used... bought through an antique store) and I would like to try and eliminate my process of development as a cause for a mis-development.</p> <p>Again thanks...</p>
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