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Everything posted by s_c24

  1. <p>It does seem to be in the same general area every time I see it appear. I will most certainly clean the glass up, and try again. Thank you so much!</p>
  2. <p>Hello there fellow photographers! <br> I've been having some issues with scanning my color negatives lately. This isn't the first time dealing with this. <br> It's getting BEYOND the point of frustration, and I have yet to find a solution to this weird warping effect that my scanner seems to pick up when scanning my negatives. Here are a few examples of what I'm talking about: and It's horizontally near the middle... What is this?!!! For the life of me I can not figure out what is causing this effect! I have a 2 year old Canon 5600F that is still in good condition. I usually scan my negatives at at least 2400dpi (for a larger image). This effect happens on a few images every so often, but the fact of the matter is, spending an afernoon scanning a few rolls of film, then having to re-scan a majority of the images because this effect gets on it... it's not fun. It's a huge time waster, and I'd really appreciate if someone could explain to me what I'm doing wrong here. <br> Thank you for your time in helping me become more productive in sharing my captured memories.<br> <img src="file:///G:/Original/2013/broo/IMG_0052.jpg" alt="" /></p>
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