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Image Comments posted by osman_gagavuz

  1. first of all the medium format is too large and it is impossible to see the whole pic. on the screen. I have only seen the thumbnail pic. and evaluate the photo accarding to that. The medium phormat is too grainy. There two seperate point of interest in the pi. The sailing boat on one side, and the house on the ather side and this is distracting but It is a nice pi. though...
  2. This is one of the best photos of "Kýz Kulesi" I have ever seen and I am one of the people want to take such a pleaseat photo of this magnificent tower. Whenever I come to Istanbul, I come to Salacak and try to take such a good photo of this monument. I hope, one day I'll succeed!
  3. Eline saglik, cok güzel cekmissin! Seninle bogaza karsi raki icmeyi ozluyorum. "Haci haciyi Mekke'de, dervis dervisi tekkede, pust pustu bes dakkede bulur!" derler ya. Herkes PN de kendi diliyle yaziyor madem, ben de bundan boyle sana guzel dilimizle, Turkce'mle yazacagim. "Agzimda anamin ak sutu gibidir Türkce!" diyor sair. Baskalari anlamasa ne olur ki, anlayanlar bize yeter!

    Muhabbetle kucaklayiyorum,


    one can say this photo is an under exposed one at first glance, because the right hand site of the photo is too dark and on the left hand site again, it is impossible to see many details but if the colour spectrum and the tones are what you wanted to have got, I would not critique the exposure :-); but the pic. looks interesting...
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