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Everything posted by nick_ventura

  1. <p>I love the look of film and have always traded off between the analog medium and digital. I mainly shoot with a 5d3 and 50 1.4 but I feel like my images are almost just too sharp and too digitized. I know it sounds stupid but I feel like my images are losing the dreamy feeling I've been working towards. Is there anything I can do to add more of a dreamy look or just to soften the images overall without editing? Thanks.</p> <p>Case in point(look towards the white wash on the lower half):</p> <p><a href="http://imgur.com/1oi4nAg">http://imgur.com/1oi4nAg</a></p>
  2. <p>Hi guys,<br> I am 18 years old and right now I'm a freshman attending the University of Rochester to study Optical Engineering but I have a huge interest in photography. My first semester was very hard and I am starting to realize that engineering isn't for me. I am thinking about pursuing photography as a career and am looking around to other schools in the country to study photo. One school that stands out is RIT right here in Rochester. I would major in advertising photography and possibly do a minor in business. But I am concerned about the job market after school. I know photography is basically free lance which would be fine with me but I am curious as to how people acquire jobs and how I can stand out from the rest. Can anyone give me any suggestions as to what school I should go to or any strategies to use with this route as a career. I would like to do more lifestyle or fashion photography but my main love is surfing and the ocean. My website is http://www.nickventuraphoto.com. Thanks!</p>
  3. Hey guys, I was wondering does anyone know if there is somewhere I can buy motion picture film that's converted to take stills? I really like the colors of Kodak's vision 3 50D / 7203 and would love to shoot stills with it. Thanks!
  4. <p>Thank you so much David and Dan! They are going to be making 40-60 of each so I told them that its fine but anything more and we'd have to negotiate for an additional fee. Happy Holidays!</p>
  5. <p>Hi guys,</p> <p>I was recently contacted by a local small business and clothing brand about using 3 of my photos on their t shirts. They offered $100 for each individual photo used on a shirt so it would be $300 total and a tee of each they create along with photo credit. I am not sure if that is reasonable as I have never done something like this before. Can anyone give me insight as to what I should do or what is a reasonable offer for a deal like this? Thanks!</p>
  6. <p>I am able to print for free at school if I buy the paper and I recently bought some Hahnemuhle matte paper and I was wondering whats the best way to store/protect the prints right after I make them. Also whats the best way to protect/ship these prints? Any information is greatly appreciated. Thanks!</p>
  7. <p>Hey guys I was wondering if anyone could tell me the best way to achieve the effect where half or most of the image is cut off from being exposed to light. It usually happens with the first frame on the roll and I have been trying to do it when loading the film in the camera but its hard to tell where the first frame actually starts. Heres an example:<a href="http://imgur.com/aUWNR9H"><img title="Hosted by imgur.com" src="http://i.imgur.com/aUWNR9H.jpg" alt="" /></a><br> Thanks!<br /> -Nick</p>
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