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Image Comments posted by michael_hanisch

  1. I like the concentrated expression on the face of the guy on the left hand side, and the way it contrasts the guy on the right - the motion blur really adds something interesting here.


    Re. composition: I'd like it better if you had not cut of their feet... that's just a minor gripe, though.



    Nice. I think that some of the trees could use a little more detail, esp. the one on the very left of the frame.


    The included foreground also makes the picture more interesting, but if you included less of it, you could make the person standing in the middle of the frame more prominent (don't know if you _want_ to do so, of course...)


    One question out of curiosity - how did you meter this scene?

    Rainbow Country


    I like the image as it is. The line of red grass makes an interesting contrast to the green. Re. the roof: I think saturation is OK, but I wouldn't like it if it were even more saturated.


    Sure, the (rather strong) colors of the foreground (sp?) draw some attention away from the rainbow, but why not? I think the overall composition makes it clear enough that the rainbow is the determining element in this picture. Plus, the image would be a lot less appealing if the colors would not contrast the dark-ish sky and the rainbow.


    vast - well, I think the title fits! The picture really conveys the feeling. The only thing I don't like, though, is that the area right ahead of the boarders seems to be burned out - or is this because of the PS work you did? Besides this, great picture. Simple, yet effective.


    I think you should have checked the DOF in this picture more carefully. To me it looks like only the right-hand side of the flower is in focus, while the left side and even the center is blurred - the insect (a bee?) in the center of the flower is hardly recognizable. I assume you were using a tripod, so why not try a slightly smaller aperture?


    Nice colors. Personally, I'd like it better if there was some kind of "frame" all around it, or at least on the left side as well to make it a little more balanced.
  2. I think the flare is OK - it might be even better if it had been reduced a little so that more detail in the tall building on the right is preserved.


    What I really like here are all those lines and how they interact - the monorail, the street sign etc.

  3. I guess I'd crop the image on the left side, so that it starts with the edge of the sidewalk. This way, you'd get rid of the clutter on the left, which is a little distracting IMO, especially since the rest of the picture is rather busy as well.


    Also, I wonder why we can't see the boys' feet? Since the one on the right is holding crutches I suppose that he has been hurt (while playing basketball?), but it's definitely hard to tell from this picture... So maybe vertical perspective here - to get rid of the stuff on the left and include the feet?

  4. I like it, reminds me of my last vacation on Bali...


    I would like it even better if there were less space above the dancer's head, and when his face would be more focused (although I realize that this would be hard to do...). That being said, I think you really did a good job capturing the dancer's motion.

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