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Image Comments posted by michael_hanisch


    This was shot in the early afternoon, unfortunately it was completely overcast that day and the light was rather dim. It would have been nicer during sunset (light from back) but unfortunately I didn't manage to get there in time. :-(
  1. I don't think that the foliage is too dark. Sure, you could make it brighter, but for me it is especially the contrast between the (sunlit?) sand and the dark foliage that makes this picture.

    The Storm

    I know that I like this picture, but not sure why... I'm still worriedthat there might be too much 'empty' space (especially since a lot ofdetail has been lost during the scan). What do you think?

    The statue is also a bit overexposed, but I did not want to lose moredetail in the clouds that I already had. Do you think that the imagestill "works"? Or is the contrast too harsh?

    Any comments appreciated.

    The Storm

    I did a scan from a very nice print from a pro lab; unfortunately, I only had a HP ScanJet 4300 C to use, which doesn't do this picture justice. For example, a lot of detail has been lost in the sky. The statue, however, is indeed slightly overexposed in the print as well -haven't checked the neg yet). Time to get a film scanner!

    St Paul2

    Rating this one is tough... At first, I was put off by "messy" composition, because there is so much going on inside the frame. But when I had a second (and third) look, I noticed the "pattern" in there, the repeating colors - the red&white of the bridge that is repeated by the cranes, the blue of the trucks that corresponds to the sky... Still, I think that it is too hectic; I'd prefer a tighter crop, maybe just the left part of the image (ending with the right edge of the bridge pillar). That would get rid of the green roof, which I find rather distracting, and of the big dome, which IMHO dominates that part of the picture and leads the viewer's eyes away from the left part of the frame.

    red lifesaver

    I enjoy the lighting/color, and the way the perspective leads my eyes from the red lifesaver to the cloud formations in the background. What I don't like is that my eyes get stuck half-way there, because there is IMO too much clutter in the center of the frame...
  2. I'm not sure what to think of this image, it's hard to tell what your subject is - the flowers are very prominent, but the hikers almost "disappear", because they are so small. Also, there is little visible detail in the hikers' clothes etc.. What I like about this image: the color of the flowers, and the way you use the angle to show the steepness of the mountain.
  3. Great that you captured this - I usually like pictures of reflections, and this is an especially good one. I'm not sure what you did to the color - in the lower part of the door, you see blue sky, yet it is grey in the upper part?


    I think the blue works very well, so I'd like to see it in the upper part of the door's windows as well.

  4. Not sure what to think of this image. There's almost too much in it to see, if it wasn't for the bright yellow color, the sign in the center would be hardly noticeable (guessing from the title, I assume that it was the main reason for making this image, right?). So maybe a tighter crop would have been better.


    On the other hand, what I really like is how the arm of the guy in the top left corner continues the line of the handrail.

  5. Hmm, I can't tell you why, but I like it. :) Seriously, I think this is a very good image - somehow it works for me. It looks somewhat oldfashioned, like it had been taken years ago. What did you do to the colors? PS?


    At first, the composition seemed really crowded, but now that I had a second look, I notice how there are basically only three main lines/levels in this image (formed by the crates with the bottles). Maybe that's what makes me like this image? (Doh, I think it's just too late here to try and evaluate pictures...)


    I'd probably crop the top 20-30% of the image, since that part of the sky is rather dull; this would help to better bring out the red cloud in the center of the frame. Also, the horizon is tilted, which looks a little akward, but could easily be corrected.
  6. A golden basketball? Cool... I like the contrast of the golden building and the dark blue sky (polarizer?. The only things I'd change: maybe remove some of the left part of the image, since it doesn't add much to the image (also, the shadow right on the corner is a little distracting (only in the "large" version). Another minor issue is that the tower on the right edge of the frame seems to lean/fall over. But that's just nitpicking...it's a great image.


    Very interesting sky. I also like the fact that the foreground is dominated by only two colors. It is also good that there is little detail in the dark area on the left, otherwise it would have been too distracting.
  7. Yeah, I think it works, too. The various layers in this image really make it interesting - the diagonals, the reflection of the glass ceiling, and of course the floor itself. There probably are a lot more pictures you could get out of this setting...
  8. Although it is a bit dark, I like this image a lot more than your other rice field picture. In this image, there are less distracting elements, and you can get a better feeling for the "geometrical" nature of the landscape there.
  9. I think the composition could be improved. Check out all those diagonal lines in the fields - Bali's rice fields are full of them, and they form all sorts of interesting shapes and patterns. In your image, I find the divide in the middle of the image with the "bushes" rather distracting. Changing the perspective/lens/angle of view would allow you to concentrate more on the interesting areas of your subject.
  10. I agree with Gavin - the tilted horizon is a little distracting (it's especially visible in the small image), so it would be worth rotating/cropping the image.


    The colors are interesting, but for some reason I feel that this image is missing something, although I can't tell you exactly what it is...


    One idea I had while looking at this image - try to crop off the sky, and some more of the top part of the image. This way, you'd end up with an abstract with (roughly) only 3 different colors in it, dividing it in thirds. Granted, it would look more like some strange painting than the actual view you captured in your picture, but it might still be worth trying, as IMHO the empty blue sky doesn't add much to the image as a whole. But as I said, that's just an idea...

    firey cross


    Great colors - did you do any PS work, or is that what they really looked like?


    I like the cross shape, and the way the forground is reduced to a silhouette.

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