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Posts posted by hfd4177

  1. I was wondering if anyone has any experience shooting outdoor portraits of people while using the 100 400. I would mostly be shooting

    between 100 and 200mm. I know it's not a 70 200 2.8 but how will it compare. I have searched online for reviews as a portrait lens but I can

    only find reviews for wildlife and airshows. Thanks in advance.

  2. Hello all. I will be taking my first trip to Maine June 24 thru July 3rd and I am seeking advice. I will be spending my first 3 days in the Baxter

    state park area and th rest of the trip at Acadia. I'm looking for any helpful advice anyone has to offer. In Baxter I would like to photograph

    moose and landscapes and in Acadia I Would like to photograph pretty much everything ie seascapes, lighthouses, sunrises, sunsets,

    whales, fishing boats, mountains, and pretty much anything else out there. I was hoping to find a photographers guide but unfortunatley The

    only photographers guide I can find won't be published until June. Again any advice would be great. Looking for places go shoot places to

    avoid and anything else you may have to offer. Thanks in advance.

  3. Ok quick question. I own a 24 70 2.8L a 5d mkII and a 30d. My question is will I benifit at all from purchasing a 50mm 1.8? What are the

    benifits besides size and weight? Will there be a noticeable iq difference in the 50mm 1.8 and the 24 70 @ 50mm. Thanks in advance.

  4. <p>Hello all. I have an lcd monitor that is capable of rotating to the portrait orientation. My question is, Is their a setting in photoshop that will let me work on the photo while the monitor is rotated? I can rotate the picture in PS but the mouse contros and toolbars are not rotated. Basically Id like to rotate the monitor and have all of photoshops toolbars, the picture and mouse controls work properly while the monitor is in the portrait position. I apologize in advance for not being all that clear in this question (It sounded good in my head)</p>
  5. <p>Hello everyone. I own a 5d MKII and a 30d. I was wondering how a everyone uses there autofocus and why you chose the method you use. Do you use the center AF point and recompose, do you manually select the AF point or do you just let the evaluative do its thing and pick for you. For the most part I use the center af and recompose.</p>
  6. <p>Tiffany I hear what you are saying now. I misunderstood you, but I really dont think that you will see Point and shoot cameras match that kind of quality at least not for a long while. But anything is possible. If 20 years ago someone told me I would be taking pictures without film and seeing the results immediately I would have laughed in there face. So who knows what the next few years will bring. Awesome picture by the way.<br>

    I agree with Thomas. I love HDR when it is processed to appear natural. Whenever I process my own HDR images my goal is to make them appear as natural as possible.</p>

  7. <p>I dont think you can "meter" for HDR. Current sensor technology just does not alow for that kind of exposure lattitude. I do however believe that some time in the not so distant future that you will see DSLR bodies that have an HDR setting. All this will do is automatically bracket a certain amount of stops above and below 0.</p>
  8. <p>Thats a tough spot you are in. Without stating in the contract that retouching is additional could cause you some problems. IMHO I would offer to retouch the photos in their wedding album and wedding portrait only and charge them for anything else. I believe that this would be a fair compromise. I suppose you could stand your ground and charge them but at what cost. The bad publicity you would receive for not giving in just is not worth it. As far as what sheldon said about not posting the picture, you should be fine. You are not posting the image to make money or anything like that. Good Luck.</p>
  9. <p>I use smugmug. Cost is about 150 per year. Site is very easy to customize, lets people order prints direct and you get a free two week trial. Stick with smugmug pro as it gives you the most options to customize. As far as domain name buy one from godaddy.com for 20.00 and set that as your address on smugmug. Check out my site <a href="http://www.bkgphoto.com">here</a> . Smugmug also has a great message board loaded with people willing to help you customize your site. Hope this info helps.</p>
  10. <p>Hello all. I have to replace my old gateway 2100 series 21" lcd monitor. I came accross the LG W2453V-PF Black 24". <a href="http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824005126">Here</a> is the newegg page about the monitor. I would like to know how this monitor would be for photo editing and monitor calibration (I use the spyder3 elite. Any info would be appreciated greatly as I do not know much about monitors.</p>
  11. <p>I believe you should at a minimum have, white seamless, black, and at least two marbled type muslin backgrounds. Usi9ng the white seamless will let you change backdrop colors using gels on your lights or in post with photoshop. I currently have those 4, but a lot of my shooting takes place outside with natural backdrops.</p>
  12. <p>A lot depends on when you are planning your trip. Fall foliage, winter scenes or spring landscapes. But me personally I would stay north. I would also spend most of the two weeks in the West. I would hit Yellowstone, Glacier, Yosemite, and Redwood National parks. Bu thats just me I love the National Parks. </p>
  13. <p>I have 2 suggestions. First is rent a 4 wheel drive vehicle and drive to <a href="http://www.zionnational-park.com/grand-canyon-sublime.htm">Point Sublime</a> It is awsome. I drove it a few years back and it was one of the best experiences in my life. The road it self will take 2 hours each direction but the scenery is some of the best you will see of the canyon. Once you arrive at you will most likely be alone or nearly alone. Not many people take this road because of the amount of time it takes. Experiencing the Grand Canyon with little or no people is awe inspiring. The drive itself is not difficult as long as you have a 4 wheel drive vehicle. Its basically a road with a lot of rocks and ruts that must be crossed. Info <a href="http://www.zionnational-park.com/grand-canyon-sublime.htm">here</a> . <br>

    Second I would recommend Hiking to Havasu falls in Supai on the South side of canyon. Although technically not part Grand Canyon National Park you will not notice a difference. The hike to the falls is about 10 miles and pretty easy on the way down. The way up is another story lol. The falls are IMO some of the prettiest on the planet. Just google "Havasu Falls" The indian reservation of Supai is located in the bottom of the canyon about 2 miles before the falls. This town is the only town in the bottom of the canyon. People live there year round as they have for centuries. Seeing this town is like stepping back in a time machine. If your not a hiker you can fly down for a cost of about 80.00 each way.<br>

    Depending on the drive to the canyon, either of these trips could be completed in one day. If you want to do Havasu you will need to get an early start unless you are flying in.</p>

  14. <p><img src="http://bkgphotography.smugmug.com/photos/684992430_3ZgsQ-M.jpg" alt="" width="600" height="429" /><br>

    <img src="http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=3701024&id=661041982" alt="" /> OK, this was my first try at reflection. I used a black velor backdrop and formed it into a "C" shape using clamps, a background stand and two light stands. I used one strobe with a photek softlighterII to camera right and a reflector to the left next to the subject. The only post processing was converting the picture to b&W using CS4. What does everyone think?</p>

  15. <p>I have been running the final beta of windows 7 for a few months. I love it. It is much more stable than vista and does not hog resources nearly as bad as vista. Windows 7 does do a lot more than previous versions. For example if I want to mount an image to a dvd I do not need a separate program. Windows 7 also lets me view thumbnails of raw files much easier. I have not noticed anything that will greatly improve a photographers experience but to me windows 7 is what vista should have been. Hope that helps.</p>
  16. <p>Hello all. I have a backup question. I have acronis 10 for my backup software. This software makes an image of whatever I want to back up and then saves it to an external drive. I really have no idea how backup imaging works. I was wondering is this a good way to back up all of my images? I just want to make sure that backing up in this manner actually copies all of my photographs. Should I be using different software? Any and all information would be greatly appreciated. <br>


    After the back up is complete I remove the external drive and store it off site.</p>

  17. <p>I am looking into the same thing. Mozy has good reviews and costs 5.00 per month for unlimited storage. Only downside is it will take forever to upload all of your pictures if you have anything more than a few gbs worth. Also Mozy software is always running and may slow down your system. <br>

    I am also looking at Drobo. It is a back up system that uses up to 4 hard drives (like raid I think) Drobo setup would be located in another area of my house in case of a fire or something. Drobo has good reviews as well but costs 399.00 plus whatever hard drives that you want to install in it (it does not come with any)</p>

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