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Posts posted by ficarelli

  1. <p>I am also getting these errors and I notice that it never happens to me on the front page and browsing the photos, but frequent in the morning trying to browse the forums.<br>

    I also notice that closing the browse and trying again it works most of the times.<br>

    <br />I'm not a expert but looks like that the system may be too busy and gives the error, and, it holds some "kind of handle" or keeps opened a database session associated with my IP giving error on any try. Closing the browse it gives me "another handle" or open a new session and it works.</p>

  2. <p><em>The NEF files are not modified by the edits</em><br>

    Yes, I know it saves the changes on a "SideCar" file, I'm getting used to it, but what I mean is any change is immediately saved in the SideCar, there is not a chance to just try something without saving as we can do with any other software. I have to Undo or Restore (Ctrl+R, meaning clean everything) or it will keep the changes without warning.<br>

    On C-NX2 you can restore the last saved, or even create and save several versions of the same NEF. On NX-D you can't even have a temporary version, test something, unless you Undo the current changes or, as you said, Restore to the original NEF file, before you move to another picture or close the application, a great chance to make mistakes, mess with previous work. </p>

  3. <p>I think is a little early to replace VNX2+CND2 with NX-D, is missing things and have some bugs.<br /><br />- Is slow in most functions for me, may be my video card, I don't know.<br /><br />- Is missing Transfer and better printing system.<br /><br />- The crop function is really weird using 5:4, 6:6, and so aspect ratios and always starting from the full frame, to make a crop takes a lot of steps and I not really sure what aspect ratio it really is for photographs (may be somebody can give a light here).<br /><br />- With 2 screens: if the preview pane is on the second screen and I close the program, if the second screen is disconnect and I run the program again it crashes. It will only run again if I connect the second screen before running it. I reported it already on the beta web site.<br /><br />- It's not always, but trying to fix Color Aberration it enter in a kind of loop, never end. I have to move to another picture and come back.<br /><br />- Also, when just browsing and playing around with the setting it always keep the changes, you can't choose between Discard or Save the changes as VNX2 has. I don't like because I can damage a good work or get lost.<br /><br />But a good and import thing I notice: at least for me everything looks sharpest and have more contrast using NX-D. I made a test with NX-D, C-NX2, VNX2 and Photoshop Elements. I opened the same NEF file on each of these programs and saved the file as TIFF and then JPG without any editing, the full picture and a crop. The TIFF and JPG files generated by NX-D was sharper and is more "contrasty". It will be good thing and somebody can confirm it for me. If is true, looks like NX-D renders better or reads better the Picture Control that is on the NEF file, or something like that.<br /><br />Still testing....</p>
  4. <p>When using View NX2 or Capture NX2 I need to save as a TIFF before "Open With" Nik Plugins. On NEF files Photoshop and Capture NX2 can be called but they will open the original NEF, Photoshop will open ACR.<br /><br />When using NX-D, changes are on the Sidecar file but when you "Open With" the external editor it sends a TIFF file to external editor, no need to save as TIFF before you call the external editor and the changes made with NX-D goes with it. <strong>The function "Open With" on NX-D actually exports the edited NEF file as a TIFF to external editor.</strong><br /><br />I test it with Nik Collection and Photoshop Elements but it should be the same with other editors.<br /><br />The only trick is to set the "Place Open With File in" on Preferences to "tell" Nik Plugins where to write the file when you save it. Some Nik Plugins let you save where you want and also as a JPG on File Menu, like HDR2.<br /><br />When I need a non destructive change to the TIFF file and work with more than one plugin I call Photoshop Elements to work with layers, if no pixel edit is done it keeps its 16 bits. Photoshop Elements in this case is used just as a "platform" to edit with more than one Nik Plugins at the same time. <br /><br /></p>
  5. <p>I am not a professional just a hobbyist still learning (actually, learning a LOT here at Photo Net) and my workflow is simple. I use View NX2, Capture NX2, Nik Collection (stand alone) to edit my photos as in a darkroom and sometimes Photoshop Elements 12 to pixel edits and rarely to work with layers with Nik Plugins. I also use ACDSee Pro 6, but just to organize because I don't like Adobe Organizer, personal choice. <br /><br />As I just do a few touch or make B&W conversions and I basically work inside View NX2 and call Capture NX2 and Nik Collection plugin (in stand alone mode) using Open With function, also View NX2 let me make a menu with my favorites plugins. I'm very happy working this way.<br /><br />Well, when Nikon announce Capture NX-D, I tried it and didn't like specially because it would brake my simple workflow.<br /><br />I gave a new try and today I found out that the "Open With" function on NX-D works not only the same way but also let me open NEF edited files with Nik Plugins and Photoshop. Capture NX-D export edit files as TIFF when using "Open With" function, no need to save as TIFF before open with Nik Plugins, the same with Photoshop that don't open Camera Raw. It does the same with Capture NX2, but for me don't make sense to open a TIFF file on NX2.<br /><br />I found out I can keep my workflow replacing View NX2 with Capture NX-D.<br /><br />The only thing is when calling a Nik Plugin from NX2 it saves the file on the same folder you are working in, except to Nik HDR2, you have to use Save As or it will save on My Pictures folder (Windows 8.1). On NX-D it saves on "Place Open With File in" on Preferences, Nik HD2 also save in this folder, no need to Save As. I hope Nikon can give the option to save on Current folder, or a sub folder of the current folder, with no need to edit it.<br /><br />For me looks like NX-D is a good replacement to View NX2 (no Video Edit though), but I not sure as a replacement for Capture NX2, which I like very much.<br /><br />I know that running Nik Collection as Stand Alone is completely different thing that NX2 Control Points, but to be enable to export a NEF, edited with NX-D, strait to a Nik Plugin or Photoshop without ACR is something, at least interesting.<br /><br />PS: Sorry my English, is not my first language.<br /><br /></p>
  6. <p>I have a D3200. Actually I've been playing with it last week. I think will be the same on D3000, you can choose to lock both exposure and focus, focus or exposure, I think that is. I prefer to lock just the exposure and leave the shutter-release button just for focus.<br /> <br />I notice that the camera is measuring all the time, when I find what is need be measured I just press the AF/EL button and then I take care of composing and focusing. By the way I use a couple of manual focus lens where locking exposure is important. It works with flash too.<br /> <br />This is very useful for any kind of photo, where you can measured the right light and don't get fooled. For landscapes for instance, you can make better measure if you measure the right light (like a blue sky) that is not always where the focus will be, or where you will be pointing the camera.<br>

    For skin is perfect.<br>

    I fell like I have a real meter separated from the camera. I know is silly, but is how I feel.<br>

    Important: Just make sure to unlock for the next shot !! You can see a sign in the viewfinder showing that exposure is locked.</p>

  7. <p>Brandy, looking at your pictures I understand that you have a Canon camera. I use Nikon and it has a button in the back that I can program to lock exposure, then you can move to the eyes to focus with the exposure locked. Check your camera if it has the same feature.</p>
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