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  1. <p>Hello everyone!<br> <br />Thanks for all your input. I checked the camera and yes there is very little light seal left! So Charles you are completely correct. Lex the first 22 were mostly taken at night so I guess that explains too! I have no camera case. I did some looking on the internet and ebay and bought a light seal kit for my model. Just in case I need extra, do you guys have any recommendations as to where to find this kind of thin open cell self adhesive foam in new york city?</p> <p>Thanks again!</p>
  2. <p>Hi Charles,<br> <br />I have the negatives. The streaks do continue outside the images. <br> Can you explain to me why this means there is light leak in the camera rather than other scenarios?<br> Thanks!</p>
  3. <p>Hi everyone. I had a roll of 36 frame 35mm black and white tmax400 film developed at a lab recently and it came out terribly, and I am eager to figure out what happened to it as I am quite baffled. Here is the last five frames on the entire strip.<br> <img src="http://i.imgur.com/njTFByK.jpg?1" alt="" width="1042" height="148" /></p> <p>This pattern starts at frame 22. Before the 22th, the frames are fine except for frame 8.<br> The lab told me I might have mishandled the film when unloading it from the camera and accidentally exposed the film, which I found it hard to believe because I didn't remember anything particular I did that could have potentially ruined the film, not to mention that I have never made that kind mistake since photo 101 in college. I have one suspicion that the lab screwed it up. The other possibility is that my camera has some kind of problem. It is a second hand Nikon EM I just bought from eBay and this IS my first roll with this camera. But why are the first 22 frames fine?<br> <br />If this seems a typical kind of error to you experts, I am all ears and I appreciate your help and time!</p>
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