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Posts posted by fredrik_blomberg

  1. That pin (yellow arrow) will have to be extracted from the spindle before you can pull the trigger part out.



    This is correct.

    I did find a copal manual for yarsica that mention this on page 15.

    They recommend some Petri pin puscher tool to remove the in.


    It is very stuck so I need to think of something smart to not destry it more.


    Any suggestion of any simular tool?



  2. These 3 copper screws will lose the shutter.

    So I can reach the shutterblades. Problem now is still that it will be super difficult to put them back because of the cocking arm block it.

    Ether way I do something completely wrong ore other way this shutter is super difficult to work with.

    I have some other yarsica with same shutter so would be good to find out.



  3. Hello!


    I would need to get help to desamble the shutter to put back the shutterblades in correct possiition.


    I have a Konica auto S2 that have hade some issues with self timer and the focus ring.

    I could fix the self timer and the problem with the focus ring was because one of the screws that holds the shutter had dropped out and blocked the focus.


    It was easy to mount back but the problem is that one of the shutter blades came out if possiition because of this.


    I have lossen the 3 screws that holds the shutter together but it is something on the side of the shutter cocker arm that still need to be lossen.


    I need to take the shutter appart to put the shutterblades back in correct possiition.


    For me it looks like the cocker arm need to be removed ore something.


    How do I desamble the shutter?





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  4. Halo I have a contaflex super b in very nice condition.

    Everything works but there is one problem with the light metre.

    Some times I die and if I just touch the camera back a bit it get alive again.

    This is more common if I use an speed that are not used that much like 1/500.

    In 1/60 it works almost all time.

    I I just tuch the speed ring it start working again.

    Where is the contact that tells the light metre which speed that is set?

    Think I need to clean that contact?




  5. <p>Halo<br>

    I now use xtol 1:1 and sometimes I get problem with uneven. I use the right amount of developer and turn the developer tube every 30 second and constantly the first 30 seconds.<br /> <br /> Most of my films get god but some get like this wish is very frustrating.....<br>

    Should I use more developer ore what could the reason be?</p>

    <p><img src="http://monorecords.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/00078.jpg" alt="" width="600" height="611" /></p>

  6. I Will try a 1:1 an see what I think. Some if my films must be 1:1 like the rollei retro 400.

    It is only 7 euros for 5 litre so not that


    It alsow means more dirt when you reuse so not that good.

    What would you say is this the case of

    all developers or is there others that

    are better to reuse?

    I don't want grain.




  7. <p>Halo<br>

    I have started to use XTOL insted of D76. It do stands in the manual that it is possible to prosses up to 15 rolls with time compensation.<br>

    I have now done 6 and I think the first ones are beutiful. But thous ones I have done now are not that great. it is more like a gray scale than b/w. Usaly I do cool down the developer to 20c but this last I did proces at 23c but with the temperatur and time compensation.<br>

    What are your experenses? I want good negativs but dont want to wast a lot of developer if it is not needed.<br>

    Shuld I mix it as 1:1 and use it just on time ore what is best?<br>

    <img src="http://monorecords.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/image005.jpg" alt="" width="610" height="415" /><br>

    One of the first rolls. T-MAX100 (I just get happy when I look at this)<br />contaflex super b 50 mm tessar<br>

    <img src="http://monorecords.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/image011.jpg" alt="" width="461" height="672" /><br /><br />This is alsow T-MAX 100 but the 6 roll in same xtol. It feals under exposed and not that nice.<br />contaflex super b 50 mm tessar<br>



  8. <p>Halo<br>

    I did find an old exposed film in a camera that I buyed. It is a Gevacolor N5. Is this ordinary c22 developing och what chemicals can I use?<br>

    <img src="http://monorecords.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/img_1206.jpg" alt="" width="492" height="236" /><br>

    <img src="http://monorecords.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/img_1207.jpg" alt="" width="490" height="298" /><br>

    <img src="http://monorecords.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/img_1208.jpg" alt="" width="492" height="596" /></p>

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