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Everything posted by yecon

  1. yecon

    Curious Eyes

    Amazed! Added to my favorites!
  2. This is really amazing! It is what photography is all about...This is art, documentary, history...all in one! I love the crop and of course I love the "true" BW tones. I try to imagine the soundtrack of this shot but, man, there are a zillion of options...thanks for sharing, it's already in my favorites folder!
  3. yecon


    Headache? Again???? You mean that we are not having sex, again???? Oh man, that's not fair! Again??? Damn...!
  4. yecon

    Bay #3

    This is an engaging image. Balanced use of lines and shapes, the individual placed effectively in the composition and a most striking contrast between the saturated yellow and the rather dull-colored walls and asphalt....key elements also, are the half truck and door, the numbers and the pipes...I like this kind of photography very much!
  5. yecon

    Keeping The Faith

    Skilful light handling and color processing on an extra detailed and textured composition resulting in some kind of nostalgic folklore mood...The tilted framing highlights the herbs, giving them a sort of vividness...feels like I can even sense their scent. Very good job Pano!
  6. Wonderful postcard! Great timing, amazing post-processing. You managed to create a unique and more than fabulous travel mood! Best compliments! Already a favorite!
  7. yecon

    A quiet morning

    The most exotic mood! Amazed! Put it in my favorites!
  8. Fantastic! Amazing color tones, best angle, awesome staging...added to my favorites!
  9. yecon

    A Moment Dances By

    It's all about skills here! You've managed to get everything slightly blurry and dull-toned, apart from the little girl's face which is sharp clear and lightened up! Perfect timing, as well! Magnificent result! And you couldn't have come up with a better fitting title. This is pure photography...Amazed!
  10. This is the loveliest and strongest moment...The light is awesome! Grandpa's got the most amazing faraway, yet deep and meaningful, gaze. This shot is all about love! Great family legacy for Jack...!
  11. Extra well-framed composition bearing wonderful natural color tones. To me the most eye-catching element here is the standing figure at the far-end of the street...Great!
  12. Very nice mood in this backyard shot. Great light, perfect timing, excellent composition with vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines adding extra strength to the subject. Many interesting elements and details like the power meter, the bicycle's front wheel with the basket and of course your shadow...very good work!
  13. Impressive wide-angle shot Panos. Extra sharp and clear, striking tones! All the shots in the Matala series are awesome, you were blessed with the most amazing weather in this trip...
  14. yecon


    Striking composition! Horizontals, verticals, rectangles, slight diagonals...very good light and texture. I get a strong feeling of power and stability out of this. Very good job!
  15. yecon


    Lines, shapes and reflections greatly combined in en extra fine street composition. Great contrast and sharpness. The human presence perfectly placed, captured in a strong looking-back position, makes this one even more powerful. Your title fits perfectly your subject. Very well-done! I will save it in my favorites!
  16. Artistic nude is your game Mau and once again it's greatly played...
  17. This one is really entertaining! The face expressions, the foam's texture, the contrast..all more than great! Very interesting and unusual subject and concept. Very fitting title as well!
  18. yecon


    Amazing soft skin tones here...
  19. The rope's curvy configuration adds extra strength to the model's feminine curvy posture. Light and tones superb as always...
  20. yecon


    Interesting and unusual composition...
  21. yecon


    Very good crop here. Love the details in the eyes...
  22. Great angle, light and sepia tones...
  23. yecon


    One of the best portraits I have ever come across! Gets a perfect 7 and goes straight to my favorites! My warm compliments on a more than fine job!
  24. yecon

    Sweet Creek falls

    Great crop and extra skilful processing...
  25. yecon

    misty morning

    Wonderful tones and a very well-balanced composition John!
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