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Image Comments posted by KristinLauman

    Lilly of the Park


    The colors are beautiful together and the saturation and exposure are good.  The only thing that is troubling me is the fact that the stamen are chopped off.  It seems a bit soft (motion blur?), and I'd like to see the central stamen (facing the viewer) perfectly sharp. 



    The overall shot is very endearing.  A couple of suggestions... watch your framing and try not to clip off body parts.  The ear being just a bit clipped doesn't bother me here because you went just to the tip of it; but the toe being clipped is distracting.  And this is no commentary on house keeping, but the camera will pick up every little speck.  If you can, use Photoshop's clone tool to wipe out those specks of dirt from the floor. 



    Yes.  A photographer I worked with made the observation that all of my images read from left to right.  I went back and looked and he was right.  So I flipped this just to see how I felt about them reading the other way.  I haven't concluded anything yet.



    I've had mixed reviews.  Some people like it cropped and others like the original.  Here is the full version with the original below it.  I think the colors work better in the new version.






    I played around with it and ended up settling on this version:




    Very lovely portrait.  I too love the tones and the mood of the piece and I can see the dogs personality.

    Sun Worship


    Roger, your critiques are always terrific!  I go back to the botanic gardens on Thursday and this is in a container, so perhaps I'll try again. 

    I have another that was closer to what you suggest, but included more of the sky and less of the purple flowers below.  I like it very much, but I felt that the image may be too soft.  I've been trying to find a way to shoot an entirely soft image that is still pleasing to the eye when printed...no success yet. 

    Is the one on the bottom closer to what you were thinking?  I felt the initial image was more pleasing, something in the shape of the petals...

     Thanks ~ Kristin




    Sun Worship


    Appreciate the comments--if you are going to give me a low rating, then

    please have the courtesy to say why! Without an awareness of our

    short-comings, we can none of us improve ourselves.



    I like this composition very much, but its not a winner yet. I would like

    to re-shoot. Questions: Is the lower portion of the photo too dark and

    void of interest? Is the bee to centrally placed? I think I need to stop it

    down 1-2 more stops so the entire head of the bee and top of both

    wings is sharp. I'd also like to ad a bit of fill flash. Any other

    suggestions? Thanks for taking the time.

  1. You are all such amazing photographers on this site. I hope I can

    trouble you for some critique. Please be very honest. I don't believe

    great artists are born out of empty compliments, but by a willingness to

    learn from others and practice relentlessly.


    I've been developing this idea about the last year. This image is the first

    to approach my overall concept. My goal was to capture primarily the

    interplay of color and light and to ignore the form of the subject itself.


    Even if its not your "thing" I would love to hear from you.

  2. I picked up a copy of the Smithsonian in a waiting room last night and saw a very similar shot. (Sorry, I'm not sure what month.) I studied the image for a while and I think I like this one better. You didn't by any chance shoot the Smithsonian cover did you? Great image!
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