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Image Comments posted by KristinLauman



    I had a delayed reaction to this one.  I just had to look at it for a couple of minutes, then I a giggle sprang out of me.  You really captured the personality of the moment.  Bravo!  It's a very challenging shot and nicely in focus.  There is a horizontal line that runs through the background and a similar line across the bridge of the nose.  Its the tiniest bit distracting. 

    Intense Stare


    Hi Agnes.  I like the cropping, the gaze is very intense and the colors are great.

    The eyes seem to have a bit of motion blur and are a tad soft.  At 1/30, its hard to get the action of the eyes stopped.  Cats eyes are constantly in motion shifting back and forth by a very small fraction.


    Her eyes seem almost to have clouds in them.  It would be interesting to add and effect like that purposely or a reflection of the earth in her eyes.



    I was wondering that myself, perhaps I am applying the mean a bit too literally here.  I was also trying to correct a lazy mistake.  The most predominant step is not quite horizontal which is bothering me. 





    An attempt at a line study applying the golden mean. There is a 2nd

    image of the same step in my Single Photos folder. Thanks, Kristin



    I appreciate the feedback.  I've taken to bordering everything with a similar border for consistency, and black seemed safest.  I compared them side by side and I preferred it with the border, but I could be the William Hung of the photography world, thinking I'm just fabulous.


    With my 50mm lens at ISO 250, and a 640 shutter, I could have gone up much more.  I thought 4.5 would get me where I needed to be.  I'm learning to stop down more and more.  I'm wondering though, if having shot at a 6.3 would have brought the distant petals into too much detail. 




    Who are these people who dole out 3's like they are going out of style?  A 3 is a poor quality image.  I'd like to know what about this image is poor?  Its not perfect, but it is a studied image, shot with care by someone who has invested and practiced.   What about it so terribly unoriginal?  I didn't shoot the bug in the middle of the flower.  I waited for him to perch on the outside.  I carefully planned for an analogous color scheme--not a coincidence.  Sure, it's not wholly unique; but its also not your typical butterfly shot.  I challenge that rater to give me a real critique of this.   If you know what you are talking about, then how about helping a person grow and not just handing out low points.  /rant



    Would love your critique on this one. I'm liking the overall

    composition, and only wish that the leg was propped up on the petal

    and not sticking out like it is. Fast little bugger. It was a

    challenge chasing him around.

    Steak Again?


    He gets to sleep on a fresh bed of bamboo and doesn't have to conquer is dinner so he is able to maintain his gorgeous appearance.  We got lucky and arrived at super time. 

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