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Image Comments posted by andy53

    Bottoms Up



    Great idea to catch them in this pose. I like the female's movement being frozen it makes it more intimate.

    Well done.

    My best regards.


    Beyond Reason


    I like this a lot. Yes i got the same feeling when i look the image...

    It is very well presented.

    Sometimes we don't know what we will find interesting until we see the final result.

    My best regards.


  1. Thank you for your kind words. During the winter monts this is what i try to do just to satisfy my need to create something nice to cheer me up and occasionally my fellow members on PN.

    Thanks for your continuing interest in my work.

    My best regards.


    oh my god


    Looks like everybody has the same laundry day...

    I like it a lot it shows life and vibrancy.

    I'm not sure what is on the left of the picture but maybee if you would include a little more / by paning the camera to the left just a bit could show even more perspective... But this is only IMH suggestion.

    My best regards.


    # 86.


    Yes he is on a permanent display right on the " Main " street here in London. Next to the Western Fair so a lot of people can admire him.

    I really like your picture of the PEI bridge in the architecture contest, i like the diagonal positioning of the subject so it leads the eye across the scene.

    My best regards.


    # 86


    Thanks for your very kind words. Yes this is a very sad reminder to a much simpler and slower paced life. I saw my first vacation  place as a kid from the wooden framed window of an old train pulled by an even smaller and older locomotive like this. I just got an idea from your reply: i will try to see who is older #86 or I'm......

    Thanks again


    # 86


    Thanks for your continued interest in my works. Yes the " Requested " shot is in the proccess will post later today.

    My best reagards.


    # 86


    This old guy spends his retirement years just across the street from

    my house. I just realized I never took a picture of him, took him for


    Just aged him a little more - hope he doesn't mind it.

    Thanks for stopping by and offering your thoughts.




    Thank you for your kind words. Yes the rowing is one of the best sport i agree and these guys are very dedicated.. i don't know if you checked out the rest of the shots from the same day?

    By the way i like your abstracts you have good eye for the deails.

    Best regards.




    This was shot on Fanshawe Lake London ON. There is a big rowing

    club for some of the Canadian Olympians to train. From the scene it is

    obvious how dedicated they are... I was back just a few days later and

    the lake was frozen over and instead of these hardy souls there where

    tents set up by the ice fishing enthusiasts.

    My admiration for them.

    Thanks for stopping by and offering your thoughts.




    I think you just " Dished out a lot of happyness. "  I like the atmosphere of the image it is soooooooooooooo happy,  it cheered me up already.

    Thanks for sharing.

    My best regards.




    What a powerful image! The monochrome treatment just adds to the feel.

    I like it a lot. I almost feel the desperation and hunger in his eyes.

    The lighter tone above his eyebrows helps a great deal too....

    My best regards.





    I think i just gave away my first 7 rating for this amazing image.

    It is what i would consider a " Perfect " shot.

    I see you cloned out the wood stump/ blurred the background and with that you created a much more powerful composition.

    Thanks for sharing and i look forward to see more of your work.

    Best regards.




    Forgive me for asking but didn't this final image started out from a nice colorful shot of flowers. That is the feeling I get when I spend a little time to see the different elements of it.. I like it a lot. Great imagination.

    Look forward to see more.

    My best regards.


    The Final blow.1


    Thanks for your very kind words. First: on my comment on your Blindfolded shot of course I meant goggles not google my apologies.

    Not too much to do outside, so I try to entertain my 10 year old granddaughter with these ideas. I'm glad you find it interesting.

    Best regards.





    Great idea.... Usualy you see this type of head gear in the other part of the world mainly in Russia.

    I like the other version too with the googles but this one has the extra humor in it.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Best regards.




    I like this image a lot. The timing was perfect for this scene, the stream is very calm so the reflection came out nicely plus the setting? sun adds the mellowish tone to the feeling.

    In fact the reflection itself is even better than the trees are.

    Well done.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Best regards.


  2. I'm a long time fan of your abstracts/light paintings/digital alterations.

    But this is the first time to offer my thoughts. I like this image a lot it is simple and strait forward / least what i see: the nice lines are crushed between two hard place. Good use of the waterfall effect.

    Best regards.


    Morning glow


    I like this image a lot.

    You choose the right time of day while the water is still looks like a mirror to show the reflection also the foggy far end of the scene adds to the feeling.

    The only thing i would change i would clone out the sunspots on the tree reflection on the left side, it pulls my eyes there constantly..

    But it could be only me it is a great shot otherwise.

    Best regards.




    Looks like i was right when i judged the snow dept on your winter scene of this lovely place.

    I guess i don't have to tell you i like this one much better, not because the other one has anything wrong with it just this one is warm and sunny../ we still have -10 outside.../ The composition it awesome.

    Yours truly


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