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Posts posted by heningstepfield

  1. <p>hi peter, I have performed scans both ways...I don't see any dif, simply wondered if I was missing something...(its been known to happen)<br>

    thanks Michael, I have an email into better scanning right now (want the 35 and 120 rigs for the 9000F (i'm cheap, want combined shipping...fingers crossed)<br>

    peter, thanks for the view on how the other half lives!<br>

    I'm scanning about 50 rolls of very curly expired film into my 9000F, I started with emulsion up, this I thought was great as there are clips on the neg holder that hold a curly end perfectly, then I started research and saw there was a chance I was in error (so I tested it...saw zero dif) then came to the brain-trust for advice - thanks<br>

    I'm now scanning with the emulsion down, I actually like this ...I forgo the great 'clip' hold, but with the excessive curl, my negative curls away from the flatbed...this may be preferred as it zeros the chance of the neg hitting the scanner<br>

    I'll go back and forth from time to time to see if any of this matters...hoping it does not!</p>


  2. <p>now sarah, i'm seeing your flash - i'm liking it....let me keep an eye open for these beasts while I flop around with my yongnuos for a tad<br>

    dove into your site checking out all - nice sarah, I'll make a point of visiting it on a reg basis, like your B&W work!<br>

    I'm off for a 24 hour multi legged flight tomorrow...resting today...bringing back bout 1400 negatives from my last month of fun and games...oh the joys of scanning...wish me luck! (I hope one or two make it)</p>


  3. <p>Sarah, my your words ring true...but at these prices. I was in a vintage camera shop in Shanghai yesterday. there was am F4 going for $180, damn, almost bit, but I walked away while glancing with love towards an FD 'L' lens going for $300 (just knowing how well it would pair up with my T90)<br>

    oh well, back next week to Canada, where my love of sub-$5 point and shoot film cameras becomes the center of my attention (obsession)<br>

    packing...must pack now...bought a few yongnuo flashes with stands and softboxes, the stands and softbox attachment combind were under $30 each, as was the Yongnuo speedlight, incredible prices....I want to try studio portraiture when I return to North America...so thought to blow my $100 budget on a few items...fingers crossed (oh, and of course had to buy another 30 rolls of expired film...yup, I'm loosing it) </p>

  4. <p>thanks for the support folks, really means much to me! sarah, l dive into your images this weekend (going crazy for a few days...) thanks for tossing me your link! I have thought about buying in bulk and self-loading...perhaps this is something I should dive into (for some reason though I simply get excited about expired film...odd really...but great fun!...when it works)<br>

    I know where we are all headed - into the land of digital forever, so with film's last stand clearly in-sight (again, I'm guessing a 20 year time-line) I think it to be a fun challenge to shoot as much of it as possible...I may change my tune, but I find it impossible to resist the incredible film equipment prices today, canon T90's for under $100, Nikon F100's under $200, EOS 620's at $10....kid in a candy store is what I feel like. Every month or two I snag another cheap camera and try to learn it...hey it's an obsession that's cheaper then golf, and when I'm street shooing with my Hasselblad ELM...well I can assure you it's great exercise lugging that weapon around. It's simply fun for me. Thanks for encouraging me to upload! Cheers</p>

  5. <p>to toss in a summary...I just don't think I could have...(now I have to be careful here...cause this is what got me in trouble in the first place) but I just don't think I could have gotten these images as easily if I had shot on digital...hence the title of my post:<strong> Film? cause it's easier </strong>(including the irony..as shooting dig is way easier...but the output between dig and film is different....film to me is capturing a dream, while dig to me is capturing reality.<br>

    I prefer to dream.<br>

    I feel lucky to be within, what I guess to be, film's last 20 years..and although i'm picking this joy of a sport late in life, i intend to shoot the sh#t out of it while it is available...for better or for worse. thanks all for your help, catch ya next thread!</p>

    <p> </p>

  6. <p>one more, then I'll create a gallery, this shot fell before me - i'll take luck over skill any day, had my trusty EOS 620 ebay $10 camera on-hand...just as she looked up<br>

    (processed again at home...using some kind of developer and fixer that I can't read the label directions cause they are in mandarin - and although I have some grasp of the spoken language...well reading it...not in this life, I go for 7 minutes at room temp for each step...agitating between beers...sometimes works...sometimes not)</p><div>00c8OP-543423784.jpg.888e367c8fc6c11bfdf8c5f50d161998.jpg</div>

  7. <p>fun shots both the Street Musician and the Veggie Salesman...while both are shot on expired film, processed with a batch of Chinese chemicals (only a developer and fixer) the street musician was shot on a canon eos 620 (best $10 to $25 camera on ebay today IMO)<br /> The Street Musician is from one of the cleaner 'expired film' rolls that I have had the fun in taking,<br /> while the Veggie Salesman attached to this post is one of the dirtiest (veggie salesman is Hasselblad ELM with expired 120, I forget the brand.)<br /> <br /> for some reason this represents the visual span of where my work appears to be taking me...(patina...I hope so)</p><div>00c8OI-543423684.jpg.1ddb324363fd8d8a34ae299000dfa129.jpg</div>
  8. Thanks Sarah, that initial step needs to be taken...simply wanted to have a body of

    work to select from, upon review, after my first year and bit shooting, I think I may just

    have that...or at least the start of such

    I'm now editing, and researching what is common place for folks to do

    Prior to placing their images for sale, it appears that registering copyright

    Is a normal course of biz, as is making your images web traceable in some manner,

    And, refreshing ones' InDesign skills appears to be on the list of to-do's as well,

    All in all, I'll aim for a month, thanks again, cheers

  9. <p>hi all,<br>

    ha ha...now I fled because I simply did not have the energy to repeatedly defend myself on points that had already been dealt with, the tread got so long that I fear folks were rehashing specific points...over and over again...certainly don't expect everyone to read the entire thread, as it is very long, but on the same side, if you are going to post, it would be great to understand where the thread currently stands...perhaps it's not a linear discussion...and the subject matter simply grew too wide to be easily ingested by folks who prefer to read only a title<br>

    hey, them are my thoughts (and I've been wrong before..haha)<br>

    now all this excitement has made me go through my images and select several hundred, of which I'm now cleaning up in LR and PS, I hope to create an ebook for kindle over this next month...i'll toss you a link when it's up, as well as share certain images here<br>

    ha ha, thanks for the motivation to publish!<br>

    aside from the confusion and attacks (ha ha...yup I'm sensitive) I do value the brain trust here at photonet, and will continue to challenge convention...in ways and means that a novice must in order to find his way.<br>

    Thanks all...keep on snapping</p>

  10. <p>hi, i'm creating a picture book that I intend to put on amazon as a kindle ebook<br>

    currently editing images, thought to look up and see how folks were creating their kindles<br>

    from what I can see (after a quick search) folks are laying-out their books in indesign, then exporting, then using a second program to convert to kindle format<br>

    much of what I have read deals with LR4, I'm on LR5, did things get easier with this version with respect to exporting out of LR directly into a Kindle readable format<br>

    just curious, before I download InDesign, and go through the learning curve, thought to check if a solution was in-hand within the walls of LR5<br>



  11. Wow...folks are not reading the entire thread before jumping in and attacking a

    statement or two, a tad bit of noise being generated by way of selective reading I

    fear, long thread, don't blame anyone for getting lost in what appears to be much

    now bordering now on confusion...peace folks... the aggression has earned my

    silence from here on, again, sorry to have hit a nerve....ha ha, but you are a

    sensitive bunch now Arn't you?

  12. Hi Jeff, I'm not about to change my subject because it's hard, I enjoy the challenge, I'll shoot another year before I post...I'm in no rush to

    publish..ha ha, and my shooting ratio would leave very few examples of my hi ratio work To currently chat about...saw a doc on a

    landscape photographer he said he stayed on a location for 17 months once before he got a pic that worked for him...I like this



    Michael, I enjoyed your post, very positive

  13. <p>hi - the world went through a similar evolution when audio changed from tape to dig about 12 or so years ago <br>

    ask any working audio engineer who experienced both worlds, the capture medium does in-fact have an impact on the final product (both in-terms of process and, in the case of audio, the sound) <br>

    in the case of photography the difference between a negative and a jpeg (or whatever) is real in-terms of many qualities, certainly the 'look' is one quality that is impacted by the choice of capture medium<br>

    My title held a question mark....ha ha, i'm not certain that was ingested widely...perhaps it was my presentation of the words that followed that focused attention away from what I thought was an offering of simply irony<br>

    of course film takes longer, but I like the process and the end product more then what I'm getting out of a dig camera. which speaks to the point raised several time now <br>

    '<em>try to figure out what you actually trying to SAY</em>"<br>

    I believe that the answer to that lay in-part both in the selection of subject matter and the medium of capture that best presents the subject<br>

    for me, shooting street (mostly folks trying to survive another day) in Asia, I prefer film, for all of it's patina. I find when I shoot street in asia with a dig, what comes back is nice pictures of struggling folks...boring...film nails street IMO<br>

    so let's all please get beyond the 'figure out your subject' statements and the 'you only need one lens' statements'<br>

    because although you may only require one lens to take a pic, several will allow you options, it's a preference thing, and for me matters not, I enjoy my kit, I hope you enjoy yours regardless of the number of lenses you carry<br>

    If I may thank everyone again for their thoughts, I realize I have touched a few nerves in a negative manner - for this, I apologize, ha ha...I am enjoying the challenges that folks are presenting, it is helping me to further understand just why I like film so much...keep'em coming...but to all - let's play nice, I'm not here to hurt anyone....really </p>


  14. <p>Hi David,<br>

    My love of photography is shooting street in Asia. specifically, as subject matter, I bounce between those who are seeking daily survival to those that are reaping the rewards of preferred positions. I once read a statement by an artist, he only goes into nature to find subjects of leaves, as in his mind he can only choose from a few versions, while in nature there exists billions to choose from. I see street as billions to choose from.<br>

    I have gone through much gear in a short period of time attempting to find a solid film kit that will allow me to shoot street<br>

    currently what I enjoy is a Nikon f100 with a 20-80, a 70- 300 vr, and of course a 50mm which sometimes comes or not depending upon the light I think I'm going to battle (my 50 prime is a 1.8...the zooms are way slower)<br>

    I snag blad if I'm going anywhere that highlights nature...a park, or an ocean for instance, tripod optional...usually not<br>

    if my son is along for the ride, he takes a film point and shoot, we change between us whenever either of us wishes<br>

    there you have it, the preferred kit(s) came together quickly...we really do not questions what we take into the field today, it's beyond gear at this point...which I think was the point you were making...i'm listening<br>


    I am guilty of buying most any point and shoot 35mm that I see, provided it's under $5...but hey we all have our faults. I generally push a roll through a newly acquired P&S, then toss most into a drawer. A few have managed to stay out of the drawer, those being, an Olympus mj 1 and 2, a leica z2x, and a few Nikons, an L35af2 and a one touch...all gotten for less the $5 each cept the Leica, which stood me a total of $68...bought it for my son so I could break the $5 rule that I have set for myself<br>

    3 or 4 days per week, for 6mnths this last year, I spend several hours a day, roaming the streets of Asia seeking decisive moments<br>

    to-date, out of thousands of shots, I only have a handful that I'm pleased with....but every time I place camera to face...I prey that I've got another,....ha ha, then I forget what I was just shooting and begin to seek out yet another moment in the attempt to freeze time again<br>

    zero confusion on my subject...just learning the process of becoming a photographer..in the field...committed to action (yup, semi-retirement has its perks...you can do most anything you'd care to as long as it's cheap and fun, WTF...although I work hard at it, I really fail to take it too seriously, as not to enjoy the process)<br>

    whatever works for whatever reason...don't forget to have fun...buy a film point and shoot...and see if it tempts ya</p>

    <p> </p>

  15. <p>hi dan, film does force us to slow down, nothing wrong with going the same slow speed with dig, if that's your bag - glad you are taking this approach<br>

    (I suspect many aren't)<br>

    Matthew, whew thanks....ha ha, thought I was in this one all alone....sinking, least now we can toss a life-line to each other<br>

    interesting thoughts on a standard Matthew, i'll give this some thought, as I have yet to venture into that concept with any consideration...my initial thoughts are, I like it. Especially the archiving ramifications you have cited.<br>

    I remember 10 or so years ago I was at a producer's conference and a panel sat chatting about the new and exciting world of HD, an older experienced pro, working as an executive for the National Film Board (of Canada) - then asked what the new standard would do with respect to archiving, I still remember everyone's' faces when the question was poorly answered with a then noted concern of sunspots and the earth's magnetic fields as being factors that could delete all (ha ha, I hope things and understandings have improved over the last decade or so but hey...time will tell)<br>

    I'm no doubt influenced by the fact that today I can afford to run film through a gate, personally - back when I was growing up - I simply choose beer over film (man's got to make choices...and film was way too expensive...kids have dig today...least once they get a camera they are not constrained to shoot to their ability...this is a big plus that dig has over film..it really isn't a one-sided argument)<br>


    really enjoy sharing the art of film today with my son, can't see too many more generation being able to extend this medium into a weekly family hobby, what we create today may well be the last of the film to be handed down to future generations<br>

    My son and I started shooting digital a tad over a year ago, but we would do very little with what we created in camera.<br>

    Once we changed to film, we used our hands more, it was tactile, shooting, developing (I don't allow him to touch chems (too much)...he can watch though...agitating when his mother is not looking), printing, matting/framing, signing - it is simply more of a process then holding up a dig camera in auto, pointing, shooting, then maybe printing before losing the data somehow (ha ha...yup, happened more then once on a family vacation...in-laws still hate me) and yes you can point and shoot a film camera, but if you are developing your film then you still experience the magic of a latent image coming to life...which hits me as mind blowing (magic really)<br>

    to each his own...I'm simply getting more out of film and the process it demands <strong>and the end look</strong>, glad you are feeling the same Matthew, now let's get ready to protect the body....or run...ha ha, cause unless this thread has gone stealth, I expect to be beaten up...or at least poked with a dull stick for our public statements of religious conviction.....but hey, I've been wrong before</p>

    <p> </p>

  16. <p>On a lighter note, Lastweek I told my 5 year old that someday folks will stop making film, he looked sad, he enjoys outings with his Leicaz2x he watches while I develop his pics, it's a family thing, we enjoy it, the event takes a day to shoot, a day to develop and dry, then a Day to print and dry, then on another day an hour or two to matt and frame, yes, he signs and numbers his prints...he'll why not make it an event, All in all 4 days to get one pic up on a kid's wall allin, including a 5dollar frame for less then 10 bucks, darn affordable family fun...and a tad educational as we enter discussions on light and composition while shooting Ha ha, my son does like candy but has no clue as to what a JPEG is, but does know that a hasselblad roll is good for 12 exposures...so it's best to get a good reading with our trusty meter before firing off a shot Film forces us to slow down, I like that Signing off on this thread now, thanks to all for the excitement, see you next thread</p>
  17. <p><strong>hi alex,</strong><br>

    I scan the hass negs into my computer with a canon f9000, I think that's what it's called (don't have it with me...travelling) cost around 200bucks - i'm pleased with what I get out of it (for the few shots that matter..yup high ratio shooting here) some folks have gone to betterscanning.com and snagged new glass plates, this I think is a good idea as it appears to hold the negative flatter then the plastic that comes with the canon...this will be my next upgrade<br>

    in the interest of saving time, I scan all in at a low rez then review, I then rescan at 50megs any pics I care to work on (LR and PS) then print<br>

    for printing I snagged an Epson 2880, I use MIS ink, based upon the good suggestions by folks here, this combo is very inexpensive and delivers nice 13 x 19 from 35mm and 13 x 13 from my MF hass negs, I try to leave 1.25 inches on the top and bottom of the print to allow for matting/framing/signing<br>

    along with a straight mat cutter, I snagged a circular one when I was in Shanghai...that little beast is a blast, specially if you mock up your pic to look old<br>

    But I digress....ha ha back to defending myself as 'not a troll'...although perhaps wishing I was</p>


    <p>hi all,<br>

    Nope, I'm not a troll, I seem to have touch a nerve with many, odd really cause if you look at my op you will see the information I was asking for<br>

    copied for your ease of access (with a few spelling corrections):<br>

    <strong><em>'....like I said...I fully understand that i'm nutz...but I do think film just looks better...I buy expired and process at home .,..so I'm not looking at film with a snobbish attitude...I just like looking at film...jpegs look like candy...that's all...I f$%ing hate candy)</em></strong><br>


    so there we have it i'm interested in learning if my thoughts are shared by others - that's it<br>

    now, back to breakfast....coffee...where the#$# did I leave my coffee...and the beat goes on</p>

    <p> </p>

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