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Image Comments posted by scotttyrrell



    Very strange, disconcerting yet pleasing image. I love the play of tones, three dimensionality and texture. They all seem to interact in such a way that the viewer is not quite sure as to the verisimilitude of the image. Great shot. 

  1. I commented on another shot up here of a kid, it worked because of the mood, the expression, not because of any technical excellence (although it was not lacking). This shot is technically superb. The lighting, framing and especially the processing - love the colours, the colour toning. What doesn't work is the positioning and the expression. The little girls head looks awkwardly placed and the older girl has an awkward expression as well as posture. I bet you have another photos from this shoot that although perhaps not quite so technically perfect, depict a more natural interaction and have a little more magic, as that is the only thing that this shot lacks, and perhaps the only thing out of your control!



    I commented on your other image up for critique, which I prefer to this one. What I find interesting is that here your tones are much starker in comparison, the contrast is not nearly so soft - and it works here, it would not have done in the other. And although I prefer the other shot, I think the differences in processing show a great sensitivity to your subjects. Well done.



    Super framing. Lovely contrast on the subject which helps separate from the background and to draw attention. I understand why you've used softer tones and raised the blacks here, it has certainly added a bunch of atmosphere. A harsher contrast would have been unflattering. Great shot!



    I like this shot, it has great mood and bags of atmosphere. Shooting mist is always a pleasure, but when, as here, there is also haze/light cloud in the sky, the temptation is always to try and drag any amount of detail out of what would otherwise be a featureless expanse of white. You have detail here, but I feel that in the quest for interest, you have burnt the sky in a tad to heavily. A lighter touch may wirk better.Totally only my opinion though! And again, a really nice shot that caught and held my eye. Thanks.

  2. There are two interiors here; that of the truck and that of the Gleaner. And although the photo shows the truck's interior, it is the Gleaners interior that this picture truly depicts. The Gleaner seems completely lost in thought, the thought is the story. As to what that thought is, we can only guess (aided perhaps by the objects we can see), and therein lies the magic in this photo. What's your story?

  3. Hey Dipankar. I think you've captured both the porters and their environment well, the hard nature of the porter's work is well depicted in your image with the two figures rising laden out of the misty valley. I think the photo is just a touch overexposed, but I know why you have done this - so as to have the two figures, the focus of this image, not lost in shadow. For me, a partial silhouette could have worked here without loosing the documentary element. Alternatively, a little work in photoshop could have helped darken the mountains and sky, as well as adding a touch more contrast. Great shot Dipankar, thanks. 



    A striking high contrast image, full of emotion. Very powerful. Deep, pitch blacks and very bright whites, but almost no mid-tones, yet the tones work well here. I like that you can see just a little of the horse's flanks, and that one of the largest areas of mid-tones is that of the lady's face. Would loose the grass(?) bottom right, distracting. Great shot.

  4. Strange conditions indeed. It is almost as though, what with the blue and yellow light, that dawn and dusk have finally met, without the day as a go-between. I love the way the "dawn" seems to wedge itself into the dusk. This image has a surreal, dreamlike quality, whilst also being quite graphic, in the design sense. The dark tree dead center work really well and seem also to be heading another wedge, this one of trees. The central horizon compliments the aforementioned qualities. This image would actually work well rotated 90 degrees or, even better, flipped upside-down with the ripples in the "sky". Maybe! Great shot. 

  5. I do like lens flare; occasionally and only when done well, or at least when it serves the image. I must admit that I prefer a cleaner flare, in fact my preference is for a simple starburst around the sun (achievable with a small aperture) and not for the flare, ghosting and spotting that you have here. It dominates this image somewhat. You have a lovely sunburst in amongst the rest, but it is hidden - as is a fair chunk of what seems to be an incredibly beautiful image. I love the contrasts here, both colour and tone, but the subtlety, particularly that of the tones, is a little lost amongst the glare. But I guess that was how it was perceived as you shot the scene, squinting into the sun. So perhaps it does work after all, I guess the point is, as always, one of intent, of art. 

    Dynjandi View


    the colors are indeed lovely, as is the crispness. Even with this small file you can see how sharp this lens is. beautiful. I guess you do really get what you pay for! I just spent 650€ on a lens and even then my wife was not happy, I'd have to catch her in a very good mood to get her to agree on this one! 

    Catharina D60_8512


    I like this shot, the light and colours are very nice, as is the framing. The focus is crisp. Just a shame that the girl is looking camera right, as though awaiting instruction. Had her focus been on whatever the rope was attached to, it may have looked more natural. As it is, it does look just a little staged. 

    Pink and Blue


    Great DOF and, of course, the lovely colour scheme. The time of day obviously helped wit the blues, but did you give the pinks a little boost in post, especially in the sky? Or was this naturally occurring or perhaps a serendipitous colour cast from a filter. Either way, the effect is super. 

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