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Everything posted by jrpstudios

  1. <p>Thanks so much for the responses! I actually did figure it out. I realized that when I loaded everything inside the changing bag that I neglected to put the black column in the center of the spool. Since the spool is white it allowed light to hit the innermost film when I passed the tank under light. Live and learn!<br> But as for the rest of the film, I couldn't be happier with the development, and I thank everyone here for keeping up such a great resource that helped me take the plunge into film and home development!!</p>
  2. <p>Hi Everyone! This is my first time developing a roll of 120 film. I used a Paterson tank and filled it 500ml at every stage, and followed all directions. The problem is that the last 3 frames are very dark. It actually starts halfway in the middle of the 3rd to last frame. I'm trying to figure out what I did wrong. Thanks for your responses!</p>
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