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Posts posted by richard_wrede

  1. <p>On the Luna-Pro S dial, there is a ring you can set for correcting exposure. For example, you are using a filter that has a "x4" correction on it so you can set this ring to "4" on the LV correction scale and ..."it will automatically correct for the filter"... well, It only works if you first take a reading, set the dial as normal, then adjust that ring to 4 but subsequent readings aren't automatically corrected as the instructions indicate...<br>

    lets say you get a reading of 18 on the scale, you set it to 18, it says (ASA 100) 1/125 @ f/8 so yes if you turn the correcting ring to 4 (2EV) it's going to say 1/125 @ f/4. BUT if you leave the correction ring at 4 (like the manual instructs), take another reading and get say 18 again, and set the dial to 18, it says 1/125 @ f/8, not f/4 like it should as per the instruction manual (says "It Will Automatically take into consideration..."...)<br>

    Am I doing something wrong? or are you supposed to set it every time and I'm mis-reading the manual?<br>


  2. <p>I got everything off (bottom winder model) except the tripod socket with the film plate release lever. My instincts tell me there are some screw(s) under that ring of leatherette but I'm not willing to experiment and ruin the leatherette in hopes there is another way they attached it? It's holding up my CLA Thanks </p>

    <p>PS: I've searched everywhere using a hundred different quarrie titles. there is next to nothing on repairing these cameras other that RF cleaning/adjust and sticky shutters</p>

  3. <p>I blew a chance to get a vintage $40-80 Canon S-50 hood (slip-on 50mm), 'NOS' for $0.99, the auction ended and yes it sold for .99 before I could put in a bid. it would have slipped on perfect and looked great too.<br>

    I never used a Rangefinder camera when I was younger, we all had SLR's. Our school (circa 1975-79) had a Pentax K1000 and a Yashica TLR I loved the TLR. My Uncle had a Leica f? and I thought it was Heavy and hard to focus and not impressed. (dumb teenagers Huh?) wish I had it now. (maybe I should give my Aunt a call...)</p>

  4. <p>Yes, that's what I was figuring after I saw that, just the adapter alone cuts 1/3 (after that the hood doesn't add anything). I was thinking (like you) that the angle-of-view of the meter is causing it to see black in it's 'upper view' The camera looks really hot with the hood, I can adjust the ASA if I have to.</p>

    <p><img src="http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3535/13019812395_40a0aaeb5c.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="381" /> </p>

  5. <p>Here's what happens on my Canonet QL17 G-III. the cds cell is in good condition. If I put the UV filter/hood combo on the reading is off by 1 stop. With just just the hood it is off by only 1/3 stop. I'm using a 55mm filter/hood thread on a 48mm lens thread with an adapter , when you look straight on at the CDS there is no blockage. I've tested it looking at a neutral scene with nothing that could be making a difference, ie. no sky, etc.</p>

    <p>I guess I want to know if this is normal? I mean, the whole ides of putting the CDS cell on the lens ring is so the meter reads what the filter sees, yet it seems to throw the meter off, because just the filter glass (centered over the CDS) has very little if any effect but screw on the filter it seems to have an eclipse effect</p>

  6. <p>I recently bought a Tower camera and don't know the actual "Type" or model it is. The listing was for a Type 48 but he later said someone told him it was a 3-S. Searching Google and seeing different models, none look like mine. here is a link to the posting with the pics. http://tinyurl.com/czy6z6w <br>

    slight differences in the models I've found so far, mine has the pc connections on front, a film frame counter under the advance knob, just a Tower logo, a film type reminder embedded into the film advance knob and the adjustable eyepiece in back, not the black double eyepiece. The 3-s I've seen says right on the top, Type 3-S (also the type 3) I found a few Type 48 online but they have no pc connection in front no frame counter and the black double eyepiece. Serial #51770 on body and a red 25-1 on the fast shutter speed not a 20-1 I've seen on others.<br>

    I'm wanting to know exactly what model it is for correct reference, finding info, posting info etc. I don't want to post "not sure what model this is but I think it's a..." in image forums and the like. </p>

  7. <p>I bought this camera on eBay but I sent it back (long story) but I loved the clips for the neck strap. (should have kept them, the creep still owes me a refund) I remember them from other cameras as a youth, these said Yashica on them but I've seen others, they are metal loops with a sliding plastic keeper for quick on and off. I've searched extensively on eBay and Google to no avail, maybe I just don't know what to call them (camera strap clips, quick release clips got bupkiss) </p><div>00aRPB-470137684.jpg.8888344fa4cd204ae34a0f9199348791.jpg</div>
  8. <p>My wife's L100 quit working just like that. changed to fresh batteries and it won't turn back on, tried many batteries, Duracel and rechargable. any clues? Google is no help.</p>
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