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Posts posted by alan_b.

  1. It sounds very much like a solenoid armature (plunger). Have you tried firing the camera on the "B" setting, keeping the button pressed down while you shake the camera listening for the sound ?


    Here’s what I did:

    Attached a lens (since the shutter is in the lens)

    Brought the shutter speed to B

    Depressed the shutter button and didn’t release it

    While the shutter button is depressed and the shutter is open, I turned the camera upside down and back up

    I heard the same clinking sound

    I released the shutter button

    The shutter closed


    Thanks for the suggestion, though.

  2. Hello everyone, I have a quick question. I just noticed when I turn my Mamiya 7II upside down, it makes a rattling or clinking sound as if there is something loose inside. I have checked the camera inside out and don’t see any parts moving when I invert the camera. From the sound of it, it seems that the moving part causing the sound moves along in a certain axis and not random to every direction.

    Now, I don’t remember if this always like this or not. The camera works perfectly, otherwise. Could you be so kind to check your camera to see if it is the same way? Thank you.

  3. Q.G, good observation and a good point as well. I measured the space between the repeating dark spots and it is almost

    6 1/4 mm or 1/4 inches.


    And I did something further. I loaded the magazine with a roll of film backing paper. I put a marking on one of the rollers

    and a mark on the backing paper. As I slowly turning the crank watched the mark roller. I stopped as soon as the mark on

    the roller came to the same position. I marked the backing paper again at this position. I then measured the distance

    between the marks on the backing paper and found the circumference of the roller. It is almost 1/4 inches!


    Even though I don't see any foreign substance on hem, I cleaned the rollers with isopropil alcohol and will check the next

    roll if the problem is solved.

  4. <p>Funny, My last roll from a certain magazine has the similar problem. It is on the negative. I checked. I also checked the previous negatives I exposed with the same magazine, they are fine.<br>

    The dark line (in the positive) I have got is thinner and closer to the edge. My rollers are straight and free of any smudges under 6X loupe. It is strange. I am attaching pictures.</p><div>00bCVi-511987584.jpg.6393ac2574368f494c16652acce14e16.jpg</div>

  5. <p>Hi, I am puzzled by the exposed Margin/ Rebate of the Roll Film (HP5) I recently exposed and developed. I used a Paterson tank.<br>

    It is a fairly new hasselblad back in good condition. The problem is present only towards the end of the film and it is on the both sides.<br>

    After taking out the film, I sticked the sticky label and don't remember the roll being loose. I am including a scan of the problematic area of the film as the rest does not exhibit this problem. I am really confused.</p><div>00bBQu-511167584.thumb.jpg.12c97397d5589cd896b3ed796e19964e.jpg</div>

  6. <p>Hello all,<br>

    I use the Jobo 2551 tank to develop my 4X5 films. I am not familiar with Jobo's 120 film reels yet I always liked the idea of developing my 120 roll films in the Jobo tank too and purchased two used 2502 reels. They arrived safely but quickly I noticed the bent protruding small plastic parts on the inside of the reels. I broke one off while trying to straighten it out. It took a little push to break it unfortunately. As soon as I figure out how to add photos to this post, I will attach some pictures.<br>

    What is the function of the protruding little stick? Can I use my reel without it / with it bent?<br>

    The reels accept little red tabs to be able to reel two films on one reel. Does it make my reels real 2502 as neither I nor the seller is sure about their model? Can I go by without purchasing these red tabs and still be able to load two films per reel? Thanks.<br>


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