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Everything posted by alan_b.

  1. ————- Here’s what I did: Attached a lens (since the shutter is in the lens) Brought the shutter speed to B Depressed the shutter button and didn’t release it While the shutter button is depressed and the shutter is open, I turned the camera upside down and back up I heard the same clinking sound I released the shutter button The shutter closed ——- Thanks for the suggestion, though.
  2. I also makes the same sound when there is film in it. Thanks anyways, Peter. Is there anyone else who is willing to check his/hers? Thanks.
  3. Hello everyone, I have a quick question. I just noticed when I turn my Mamiya 7II upside down, it makes a rattling or clinking sound as if there is something loose inside. I have checked the camera inside out and don’t see any parts moving when I invert the camera. From the sound of it, it seems that the moving part causing the sound moves along in a certain axis and not random to every direction. Now, I don’t remember if this always like this or not. The camera works perfectly, otherwise. Could you be so kind to check your camera to see if it is the same way? Thank you.
  4. alan_b.

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