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Everything posted by tom_r

  1. Thanks for the photo to practice on, Punta! Sketch action and sky replacement. Oops...I should have reversed the order since I now have transparent bell towers.
  2. PuntaColorada: Haha...I'm just now reading the first Mars (Barsoom) novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, A Princess of Mars (1917) (A novel of the compiled serialization of stories written in 1912). Earthman John Carter has met a lot of strange people and beasts, but so far no Corgis. Of course, I'm only about half-way finished! I'm on the lookout for a Corgi now! There is a "Calot: A large dog-like creature with a frog-like mouth and three rows of teeth and ten legs. John Carter has his own calot, named Woola, who is his faithful companion." (Wikipedia) Maybe the Corgi evolves from this? I've never read any of Burroughs' books before (he of Tarzan fame), but I'm finding this one well worth the time to read.
  3. Disturbing, yet colorful, abstract created by cropping a portion of the building and sending it to Topaz Glow. Flaming Pear Zephyr applied along with saturation adjustments in PS.
  4. PuntaColorada, I was going to say “Blame it on the Bossa Nova,” until I remembered that dance is associated with Brazil and Río de Janeiro. Then when I looked up the dance most associated with Uruguay, I discovered a controversy I didn’t know about: Both Montevideo and Buenos Aires claim to be the originators of el tango! So, blame the snow on el tango, climate change ¿or maybe even el lagarto tegu? :rolleyes:
  5. Dang, when the sun went down, it snowed! Glenn: I wasn't trying for snow, it just sort of happened.
  6. All done in PS. Borrowed a free download from Needpix, extracted and placed the Welsh witch, added light and smoke overlays and text. In ACR added a little global and local negative clarity.
  7. Sorry... uploads were acting strangely for me and here I am a second time. I couldn't delete this post but was able to delete a duplicate copy of my above version here. :)
  8. Wintry Street Scene A few overlays added in PS, then a little more snow and border created using Akvis NatureArt. Back to PS for color adjustments and cropping and a LUT with reduced opacity applied in ACR.
  9. Mikemorrell: If I stare at your colorful version cross-eyed with deep focus will I see an alien spacecraft like Kramer did and Mr. Pitt tried to in that Seinfeld episode? I wish I had some 3d glasses! :)
  10. Michael...Michael...Michael... Next time have them stop the car before you take that photo. :) Just kidding. Thanks for the upload. This version went through an oil paint filter + day-to-night filter, SNS-HDR and saturation + ACR adjustments in PS. How did I beat Bill Boyd to the punch?
  11. Lots of PS adjustments on many iterations of Infinite Texture Panel. (At least he's only a statue.)
  12. Thanks for submitting our challenge, Sr. PuntaColorada. Hey, given the size and type of statue here, this looks like it might be the side or back entry to the restaurant you posted once with the gaucho figure out front?
  13. ♫ For purple mountain majesties ♪ Color adjustments in PS and then sent to Dynamic Auto Painter. I can’t remember which template and adjustments I chose in DAP due to too many experiments.
  14. Ok, nothing in this abstract sketch makes sense, but I sort of like it. It started as a pencil sketch in Dynamic Auto Painter, then in PS I created a sun, added a few overlays on top with reduced opacity and finished with contrast and saturation adjustments.
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