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Posts posted by tom_r

  1. Is there any specific reason why you cropped the image, and eliminated the bench?



    Hi, Michael.

    I cropped out the bench because to me it’s crooked and overly bright becoming a focal point which draws the eye to the colorless area of the path and sort of visually ends the scene there. I’m sorry if I removed a memorial bench or a pleasant memory. Thank you for uploading the photo.

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  2. There are no rules as to how you apply your post processing to this image; but, please let us know what you have done so we can all learn.

    If you would like to post a candidate image next week, please ensure it is of sufficiently high resolution for manipulation by the participants (3000px on the long side, 300dpi for example).


    Most of all, let's have fun while we are learning or demonstrating how we use our post-processing software, imaginations and interpretations.

    Here's one sooc from a trip to Montana.



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  3. Second version: After my previous psychedelic iron-maiden mermaids, I decided to try B/W. I converted it using a PS panel called Infinite Black and White. It looked pretty good, but just before posting I wondered how Pixbim ColorSurprise AI (B/W-->Color) would handle it. I expected the usual cringe-worthy result, but this time it was ok. When it colored the rocks in front, it kept them pretty drab which seems to set them off nicely from the colorful background. I did increase the green sat. in PS a little.


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  4. Inspirational work @tom_r! It shows me a complete way of creating 'new photos' from the original.




    What a kind thing to say, thanks! Hey, I know nothing about boating. Are those people against the railing with the cords/poles helping to load/unload a boat in the water? Otherwise, I’m secretly hoping they are using huge joysticks to control the buoys and playing pac-man or frogger or something.

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