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Everything posted by donbright


  2. A big thank you to all that appreciated this, "Afternoon Rain in Paris." I caught this in front of the Hotel I was staying at. Mostly just trying to get out of the rain, but saw this at a glance and got on it. Some shots are worth the drying off!


  5. Yes! In post, but I just threw the jpeg up here. The thing to do is to take out local contrast and sharpening in the area. In this case the camera, I believe had sharpening set to +1 or +2 I think. Thats what caused it.
  6. I agree Karim I am a believer, but also Fujinon lenses have character of local contrast that I like too and lets be clearer with Fuji cameras its up to the operator to be careful with color as there are so many ways to convey the image with shadow, highlight, color, noise, sharpness, EV level. It can get a little daunting but the control is there for the making, truly great creative tools in Fujifilm.
  7. It seems natural that a Z-8 would incorporate a second card slot. I may have been a little rough on my first post, but the cameras do look good and as a mirrorless enthusiast and lifelong Nikon enthusiast I'm hoping for the best as competition will only strengthen the herd. I see that many Photographers still struggle at the notion of Mirrorless. As we've seen in just 3 years, the features and overall effort to make techno marvels is quite impressive. Finding ways to bring DSLR performance without a mirror is more challenging than first thought it seems, but getting so so close.
  8. I had been one of the best die hard film shooters and my defense and war threads go back well here may be infamous, I hope not, but I had the same dilemma and studied intensely the options and bought and XT-2 and my enthusiasm for Photography has hit the highest of highs, more importantly the Fuji XT-2 provides so much creative flexibility, it offers no more excuses for me to whine about not getting the shot. Now I just create to the best of my ability and intern I think I'm growing at a rate like the days I first picked up a camera. I still have and use my Pentax 67II its here to stay as long as it hold up, but its use falls into critical specificity. Like when I know the shot, and I'm referring to landscape work, places that I return to, a habit of mine. I agree with you as to the look of inkjet, it was never something to warm up to, but lightjet prints are as close to classic darkroom wet printing there is at the moment. Cibachrome is gone, but Fuji papers: Supergloss and other media suiting the subject are superb. I didn't need to sell my film cameras, and I won't, I'm a sentimentalist when it comes to this kind of stuff.
  9. Well, Hmmm? It's not like there are major breakthroughs here, particularly after all of the mystery hype I'm just wondering what's new? And to provide only one card slot is to me a disappointment. A good point was made earlier as to the size of the adapter, that's a pretty big lens adapter and I guess I'm a little confused at the fact that the distance to sensor is short, but the adapter looks as if its longer than what we're accustomed to. Maybe a side view will prove differently, I don't know. Price point? No second card slot? XQD only? Why? For now I'll continue to romance my XT-2. Maybe Nikon should re-think these long drawn out mysterious count down hype teaser thingies.
  10. The images of the Z look great! Definitely not an entry level camera, the controls look very well thought out. Seemingly the construction of the camera looks like mostly metal, the grip might, I can't tell, possibly plastic. This is exciting to me, I'm a fan of small and light, mirrorless makes sense in this regard. If the info is true that Nikon will supply a lens adapter in the box to comply with Nikon legacy glass, this camera will become significant. The pictures provide some insight to the notion that this camera is a, "Semi-Pro" option. I can see professionals utilizing its size and weight for flexibility on site. It appears that Nikon hit hard with the "Z" platform and that they plan on being in the mirrorless game indefinitely. This move begs the question: What will happen to the Mirror?
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