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Posts posted by grey_rogacion

  1. <p>The camera shop where I drop my films to be processed to some other place have shut down. Other photo shops still in operation don't accept film anymore. I have to travel the distance to have my negatives processed and scanned but I still need to find out where?..........but I have been reconsidering processing my own," thanks for your processed scanned negatives", gives me more time to re-think? I'll research more, thanks, Mike.<br /><br />It seems your scanned negatives are rightly sharpened/contrast. I think the Noritsu scanned are sometimes over sharpened and over colored with too much contrast, but must be my friends settings on the machine still trying to show off. Noritsu scanned to CD setting were much better when the machine first arrived.........</p>
  2. <p>The FL lens is stop down metering, while the Fd lens is a full aperture metering. On the Fd lens, metering and viewing are done with the lens at it's widest opening where the viewfinder is brightest to see. when you press the shutter, the diaphragm automatically closes down to the predetermined lens opening. When exposure is made, the diaphragm automatically reopens to maximum aperture again, so check your Fd lens again?<br /><br />Maybe put it on F/16 or F/22, chose a slow shutter speed of 15 or lower and press the shutter. With good light in front of the camera lens, you can see if the lens closes down?</p>
  3. <p>This Ftb came from Japan via a container van. A restoration project, the prism needs to be replace, and the curtain sprocket in the bottom had a broken head screw leaving the male part in. Unfortunately I was being asked more than what I paid for the cam just to have the sprocket at the bottom fix. They would need to drill the male part out from the sprocket and re-calibrate the cam. What seemed to be a mission impossible to a young camera repairman was a very easy fix to an older repairman that had been fixing this type of camera's in his yestertears. Camera repairman named " Bibot", pulled out the mainshaft and replaced the whole curtain sprocket for a song and he had the parts. This same man also fixed my Fujica 35SE which needs the shutter spring to be recoiled. <br /><br />I replaced the mirror damper, seals, and brake pads and I also learned to open the Ftb from top to bottom to clean. I recently got another black Ftb from another container van from Japan with a working meter but with a very bad prism which was easy for me to fix and replace. This Ftb had been my main streetshooter, I liked it's simplicity/ruggedness at the same time it's built like a brick. <br /><br />Wherever we go, the restoration/brassing of the Ftb makes it a very interesting conversational peice..................<br /><br /><br /> <img src="http://i1284.photobucket.com/albums/a574/king3sparrow/Picture-1229_zpscbb82757.jpg" alt="" /></p>

    <p><img src="http://i1284.photobucket.com/albums/a574/king3sparrow/Picture-1228b_zpsd44d924f.jpg" alt="" /></p>

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