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Robin Smith

PhotoNet Pro
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Image Comments posted by Robin Smith

  1. Good quality image. Eyes could be made a little more prominent, although whether they are blue one cannot tell. Like everyone else I wonder what the breathing mask is all about.

    It's a pleasant image, and the mist is enticing. The asphalt rather detracts from the concept of the "Romantic solitary figure" though. A farm track or simple forest trail may have worked better in my opinion, if that was the look the photographer was going for.

    2 Generations

    Is this a massive crop? The quality (resolution) of the image is pretty poor, and the composition is not strong enough to overcome this defect to my eyes. The concept is quite good, although perhaps a little cliched, but as the execution is poor, the picture is rather weak. I feel this is a case where Capa's dictum applies: to paraphrase, "if the photo is no good, it is because you are not close enough".

    The mummy

    Way too much like the week before's POTW, and not nearly as good. Tries a little too hard to be grungy and interesting, but to me does not work. Was she an extra on "The Walking Dead"?

    "Life is a killer"

    I missed it too. As to the picture: the slogan is very strong, but how it relates to the women, is not at all clear. Is she in dire need of medical attention, or will she need it when she has climbed the stairs? The absence of a connection with the rest of the picture, seems a serious flaw to me.
  2. I like the confluence of leaves and branches which fills the frame convincingly. The "double exposure" works very well too. I wish the portrait was more conventional though (not the Halloween grimace). It rather spoils the mood. I hope the photographer made a straight version too, because I think the photographed woman and the photographer will find that more satisfying in the future than this version.

    City near the sea

    On balance I like this one. Attractive mix of colors and the boy provides a strong central element, which says beach or seaside. The battered wall speaks of distant (to me) settlements on the Mediterranean, Black Sea, or similar, providing a touch of Romanticism to a typical shot of childhood.

    Once again a lack of a title makes this what-looks to be an excellent photograph, difficult to judge. Landscapes, cityscapes, street, sport and abstract shots can do without titles, although they are usually improved by having one, but documentary shots usually require them.
  3. My problem with this is that we see the image of the person with a Canon camera right where you look. Unless you are a camera geek, this is not very interesting. I suggest with self-portraits by reflection it is best to move the camera away from your face when taking them, it's easy to do and makes for a better shot. Technically the shot is good and I like the color and look, but I want to see the face, not the camera and the hands holding it. If it is not a selfie, then the same principle applies. I suggest most people aren't really fascinated by the camera.

    New Life

    It is quite interesting as a composition, but I feel that the ultimate subject (woman and child) is not terribly fascinating here as they look to be just randomly selected and this weakens the picture. Perhaps the photographer could have waited for something/someone more interesting to appear in the wooden frame, or waited for a more decorous pose or something.


    Leaves me a bit cold, I'm afraid. I assume the fact that the lighting makes the two shadows appear to meeting each other is the point or purpose of the picture. As we can see the source of the shadows are clearly just sitting in an exhibition and clearly not together, this, to me, greatly reduces the impact of the shadow image and just clutters up that simple idea.


    A strong image, although I wish the walker was walking towards us rather than away. The mist is nice and the lack of shadow detail is OK with me: adds to a sense of mystery. The image is rather soft: I have not decided if this is completely unimportant: perhaps I wish the figure was a little sharper, but this may just be me being too conventional. Good pictures taken in wintry conditions are rather rare, so on balance I like this one.

    Why no title? I like it very much. Great capture of the speeding subway train. I wonder if you asked the subject to stand as still as possible for this? Excellent result.

    No need to take offence. I think that both Fred and Gordon have said it all too (and earlier), that is why I just added my 2 cents rather than going into a long-winded exposition. I agree with them: although Gordon's critique of your processing does not resonate with me. Reflections are often a problem because the depth of field is often insufficient to render the foreground and the reflection in focus, as is demonstrated here. Given my thoughts on your own reflection, however, I feel perhaps it would have been better if you were completely blurred instead of just indistinct.
  4. It should read "The name's David. OK?" As it reads now it seems his name is David Ok. The portrait is quite good, although a lighter touch on the clarity slider on the face might have made it less obviously "processed". The eyes are not in the plane of focus. Perhaps a smaller aperture and resulting greater depth of field would have brought both into satisfactory focus and improve the result.

    Your own reflection is a big distraction in this image. It would be better is you had shot it with your camera on your chest or hip. At the moment, it seems to me to be just a glorified selfie. No problem with that really, but I am not sure it is worth a lot of discussion.

    In my opinion, this picture cries out for a title. Where and who is it? As far as it goes the shot is fine, but it is not powerful enough to survive in isolation without a title. Even "Rowing on Lake x, Nepal" would be OK. This kind of shot will work much better in a series.

    I suspect the eroticism is partly the reason for the negative comments. People often react that way. I like the image and think it technically proficient too. I am not looking for any more profound meanings than that, and I don't think the photographer is either. It's not a portrait: more a female form study, and as such I quite like it. I think black and white serves it well, but I think it would also work in color.
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