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Image Comments posted by bruslaw

    Stepping wave


    I don't think it needs any warming, it's rather monochromatic anyway, and this apparent coolness has it's mood.. But the composition would probably be stronger without that "rougher" bit of the sea near the top.

  1. This is quite spectacular and surprising indeed... I've never been to Death Valley (and to the US for that matter), but it is famous for its dry inhospitable conditions, so to see a flood there is quite a surprise. The composition doesn't quite do it for me, that tangle of twigs creates too much busyness in the frame. But all the rest: the sky, the light and colours, the reflections, the mid- and far background, the tonality - just delicious..

    red boat


    I've just had a look at your pf here, and this is exactly what I had in mind - minus the sky (it doesn't add to the composition, it's a distraction)... :-)

    Another world


    Colourwise it's very interesting, the colour of the boat is fantastic, great juxtaposition against the rather cool rest of the image. Great mood. Generally very neatly arranged in the frame, I like the simplicity and clarity.

    What I don't like is the sky, I feel it's quite overwhelming in the composition - the tree line against the sky is the area of highest contrast in the image.. I think you could have created a lot more impact with a more oblong, maybe panoramic, frame carefully cropping out the sky.

    " Spring "

    Estos árboles siempre me han fascinado... He estado en Asturias, Cantabria, Aragón.. y nunca me topé con ellos. Me gusta la atmósfera, la composición un poco menos..
  2. I'm not a fan of b&w landscapes but it's very fitting for this scene. Very thoughtful and elegant composition, great separation of the focal point from it's backdrop. Beautiful peaceful mood. I'm only getting the impression that it's ever so slightly wonky.

    Happy Christmas.

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