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Image Comments posted by zachi

  1. Very cool shot, the angle is great and all of those patterns on the floor. I think I agree with Fernando Olea concerning the crop. Although that does take a good portion of the boat drawing in the background away, and that is an element of this image that I like to have there.
  2. You've got a great portfolio here, this being one of my favorite images of it. In most cases I would feel the same as Hugo does about the branches on the left, I know I've pointed it out many times before. But I almost feel that that is too common of a complaint, and people say it as soon as they see branches infringing because it is such a "don't". Now I am not talking down on Hugo for doing so at all, it all comes down to personal preference and opinion. Well, mine is that the branches in this particular photo work very well. They give it a certain feeling that couldn't have been attained any other way. The colors really make it unique, awesome work.

    Clouds sunset 2


    I love the colors here, but there is something more about this image, that I can't put my finger on, that is keeping me so interested. Perhaps it is the reflection of the sky, or the one tall tree.

    Great shot


    Haha! Like Julian Plant said, this is definitely what Holga's are made for; they are irresistibly drawn to the large blow-up monsters. I have a similar shot of a giant monster that says "Used Cars" on it. I like yours better.

    Guard Bunny


    haha, guns have always been around. And they probably always will be. People are always getting shot. Every day. you just never hear about it. But now that the media decides its time to distract the public, or just to scare us, knowing that the last big event is starting to died down...

    its all of the sudden wrong to have gun in a photo.

    dont get me wrong, I dont like guns, Im afraid of them.

    I cant stand killing, of any kind, weather its a gun, or a bomb, or whatever...

    and I still find this photo amusing.

  3. I like it, but I think you should have less of the background and more of the biker. Also I think maybe try to get it from a different angle so we can see whats going on (how big the ramp is, how high the rider is...stuff like that)



    i think its kind of nice, but it might be better if it were more of the turn table and less of the stuff in the background, its a little distracting.

    (i like how the dark is very dark and the white is very white though)


    lost in stripes

    i really liked this photo! im kind of new to photography,so i dont know what im talking about :-) but i keep looking at that bright spot up top, kind of distracting, to me at least. but i really liked this one alot.
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