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Image Comments posted by michael_d_davis




    Overall I like the photograph. The head is a bit soft compared to some of your other examples.


    just my 2 cents

  1. Hello

    Nose is sharp. Eyes are soft.

    As a side note you continually rate my images low. Which is fine. However all my images I ask for critiques to try and learn. To try and learn is why i am on this site. You haven't left a single critique so I have the opportunity to see what and how you are judging the photograph.

    Just my 2 cents 




    I really like this photograph. The sharpness of the subject with the nice background blur is very nice.  The exposure is perfect.  VERY NICE!

    Just my 2 cents

  2. David

    Sorry you took me as being rude.(WAS NOT MY INTENTION OR IS THIS) Me personally I would never put a photo on my wall of a random models rear end showing her intimate place and calling it art. There is another word for it. Yes I did compliment on your technical skill lighting exposure black and white conversion. What was your desired emotion or reaction you were looking for with this photograph?  You scolded one person for his remarks  on his photograph calling it inappropriate . Was his emotions not what you wanted to hear?  This type of photograph reminds me of the 13 year old stealing looks at his dads adult magazines. Has an effect yes.  Meant for private viewing not public display.  Have a great day. AGAIN


  3. Hello

    Probably wont be the popular critique. As far as subject matter its a bit to intimate for me. I assume this photo was posed and as being so I think her pinky finger could have been spaced more evenly with the rest. I am not trying to be rude in any way here. Who would display this photograph other than the model or her partner? I can maybe see a full body nude from  a distance that isn't quite so intimate. Again I am not trying to offend in any way. The photography skill was spot on.

    Just my 2 cents




    I TOTALLY UNDERSTOOD the title of ICE. My point of view was to give a contrasting effect warm/cold. as does the black shirt with the white ice.  I always end with my Just my 2 cents for a reason. take it or leave it. Its obvious we see this entirely differently. Have a great day!

    Kingfisher 3



    Very nice capture. The eye is sharp. Nice subject isolation with background blur. My only critique would be to try and lower the noise level a bit. Solid 6.

    Just my 2 cents

    aban 93 (26).JPG



    I like the photograph. My only critique is to have eyes centered  instead of camera left. Centered looks better for the viewer of photograph.

    Solid 5. centered eyes 6

    Just my 2 cents

  4. Hello

    I like the photograph. I think with this type of photograph as nice of a body this model has I think the eyes should be brighter after all we look at eyes first. Second I  don't like seeing the can light in the photograph.

    Just my 2 cents

    My little friend



    I really like this photograph. There is nothing better than capturing the true joy in the face of a child. The eyes never lie. VERY WELL DONE! My only very small critique would be to brighten the one eye in post a bit.

    Just my 2 cents





    The ice does make for an interesting background. I like the black and white effect and lighting. She looks a bit a tense in the face especially her mouth. I think a more warm facial expression would do wonders for this photograph. I rate a 5 as is, a 6 for warmer facial expression.

    Just my 2 cents

    Senior Picture



    I like the pose in this photograph, she seems relaxed and fully engaged in the experience. You have nice subject isolation, Nice portrait. The only advice I can give is now that your first portrait session is done. Learn from what you think you did wrong or not so well and what you did right. Apply that to the next experience. Do that for every experience and you will be just fine.

    Just my 2 cents

  5. Mr. Peri

    This is a nice photograph. However, you have done much stronger work than this in the past. Please don't start relying on photoshop or influences from other misguided photographers on this site. Your everyday  work is much stronger and more elegant. Mr. Peri as we have discussed in the past I will not photograph nudes however, I am A BIG FAN of your style of how you photograph your models.  I am a fan of your work (style) just not this photo. Have a great day Mr. Peri

    Just my 2 cents

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