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Image Comments posted by michael_d_davis




    I really like this photograph. If it were my photo I would crop down to the beam going across. Only a few of light trails would be lost. Very good job.

    Just my 2 cents

    Rylan 001



    I also think a bit of distance between subject and what I  think is a door would make for a better portrait. Her eye contact is wonderful. Lighting is nice as well.

    Just my 2 cents


  1. Hello

    To my eye the center of image and back was the intended subject. So if the rocks at your feet while using a 17mm lens is a bit soft who cares. Its not blurry after all. Stand tall and be proud of this image. VERY GOOD IMAGE

    Just my 2 cents

  2. Hello

    I seen in your tags it said grandchild. Becoming a first time grandpa not to long ago I now experience the joy of being a grandfather so maybe that joy is what connects me to this image.  I believe photography was invented for these type of moments. Nothing to critique here. The photography skills are right on. Expression is perfect.  VERY WELL DONE!

    Just my 2 cents


    the King



    This photograph is intense a bit scary and beautiful all at the same time. Going in my favorite folder. Very well done

    Just my 2 cents

    all in pink



    For a casual street portrait its serves its purpose. I would try and edit the k1 out of image its distracting. I think eye contact would have helped as well.

    Just my 2 cents

    Women in red



    This is a stunning portrait. As with any portrait we (the viewer)look at eyes first. The bold red jacket does demand a bit of eye contact. However, with such a well photographed portrait our attention immediately focuses back to her face.  The strong confidant expression with great lighting and subject isolation is what makes this photograph for me.


    Just my 2 cents

    Texas - 50



    The textures and details of this photograph are wonderful. As far as the background is concerned I like photograph the way you presented it.  Very well done. solid 6.


    Just my 2 cents

    Melanie in B&W



    The intensity of her eyes is wonderful. The subject isolation from background is wonderful as well.  I like the black  and white as well. My only small critique is the hair on her shoulders is a bit distracting. Maybe hair straight down the back. This photo is very nice.

    Just my 2 cents

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