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Posts posted by thomas_goehler

  1. <p>I've had my AE-1program since 1986 and it used only about 4-5 (!) PX28 since then. I guess, these batteries must have lost their full voltage after some time, but they never gave me any trouble, so I doubt that 5.6V instead of 6V would really be a problem. I'd rather check the contacts and clean them thoroughly. Freezing shutters might also hint at a "deeper" electrical problem or a sticky mirror foam that keeps the mirror up.</p>
  2. <p>Probably the boxed Lake Placid A-Series models never made it to Europe, because I never saw nor heard about those back here. I DO have some lenses with special caps for the various sporting events such als Olympics or Soccer World Cup, though.</p>
  3. <p>I know it's a mirror bearing lubrication problem and I also know that in all my more than 10 years of talking to people in photographic forums there never has been reported a single AE-1 or AT-1 with this problem due to the fact that both A-1 and AE-1program have a different set-up which is hardly surprising as they are more advanced cameras than AE-1 and AT-1 which are basically the same models (the At-1 being more or less and AE-1 without the aperture program).<br>

    Could you send me a link to these documents that you mentioned?<br>

    I didn't know there was a Lake Placid AT-1, I only knew of a Lake Placid F-1.</p>

  4. <p>Michael, I don't know where your interest lie in this field (sounds somehow as if you were going to sell adapters, but I don't know), I can only say, I have thoroughly tried FD-EF adapters and was never satisfied so that in the end I have dropped the subjects, having enough decent EF-lenses tow ork with.<br>

    I'd like to post some sample images, but I just found out that I deleted them from my hard disk drive because I was so dissatisfied that I saw no point in keeping them. The problem was/is that the achievement of the adapters was different with different lenses and at different f-stops which is inacceptable if you want to have predictable results.<br>

    Therefore, for me, the discussion is now fruitless.</p>

  5. <p>The long and the short of it is: FORGET IT! None of the available FD-EOS adapters - with or without a correcting glass element - works in a way that could be described as satisfactory. Even the Ed Mika stuff is pretty useless for everyday use. Go to M42 or Zeiss with C/Y mount if you want to adapt in a simple way, but if you ask me -after experiencing a lot of adapters - it is not worth the effort!</p>
  6. <p>Hmm ... very suspicious offer, I think. Also the lens cap does not look like an original FD lens cap to me, seems more like an EOS lens cap what with the silver print that stands out.<br>

    The breech lock ring looks very much like the one used by Vivitar, as if the Vivitar breech lock had been transferred to the Canon lens, but why on earth do that? The seller does not brag about it having a unique breec lock ring, so what's the use?</p>

  7. <p>I guess your questions refer to the FTb, right?<br>

    First of all, the foam seals can be replaced easily by yourself. Second, the Canon squeal is original to A-1 and AE-1program bodies, NO OTHER canon body suffers from that!<br>

    FTBn differs from its predecessor only in that way that the chosen shutter speed is shown in the viewfinder.<br>

    And yes, FTb is quite heavy!</p>

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