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Image Comments posted by michelyazigi

  1. I find the photo amazing.

    As mentioned previously the sky is too bright, but I believe that you can improve it in photoshop by working only on the sky without altering the rest.


    I love nice baby pics and I find this one very beautiful, especially those big black eyes well in focus with a nice reflection of light. The B&W contrast is to my opinion very well balanced, the face well lit. I humbly second Pierre Dumas regarding the crop of the right hand. Very good photo for framing.
  2. I have been looking at the photo for the whole week and been reading the critiques and looking at the photo again. My original opinion has not changed. Apart from being a little tilted towards the right, I find this paiting-like photo very beautiful and peaceful. The red colour gives it (for me) a touch of warmth and is in fact what connects me to the photo. I Love it. Very well done B Read. Great picture. Michel Yazigi.

    a sense of wonder...


    My personal opinion is that A & R have many "many" amazing photos, but this is not one of them. Although it attracted my eyes at first glance, the more I look at it the less I like it. Too many things distract the eyes, of which the "in focus" portion of the green leave below right, the impression there are too many layers overlapping as if I can see many reflections of the background one over the other, in addition to the banding as mentioned by many before me. I conclusion, I believe that original photo could be re-worked differently and has the potential of becoming the amazing photo we almost see at the first glance.



    Thanks Isaac, for me also photography is what is pleasing for the eye. all the technical issues is only to reach this final aim. Thank you.



    Thanks jorge, mind you, I have already cropped it a little, as it was larger from the mother's side. I tried to balance it while keeping the depth of the mother's presence.

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