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Posts posted by francesco_palombi

  1. <p>Hi,</p>

    <p>I really need to print 4x5 negatives with the black border.<br>

    I'm planning to print them very very big using the roll paper 30x40 and so I really need a glass carrier.</p>

    <p>My question is: can I file a 4x5 glass carrier negative?</p>

    <p>I'm sure there is a way to do that, cause Avedon did it!</p>



  2. <p>Hi,</p>

    <p>I'm reading a lot on the web about contact printing, but I couldn't find a valid answer. <br>

    I would like to contact print 5x7 negatives on 11x14 sheets leaving the white around the photograph. </p>

    <p>What is really the best technique ever to do that?<br>

    Do I have to build a frame?<br>



  3. <p>Hi everyone,</p>

    <p>I'm really having hard times focusing with my Linhof Technika III and I quickly need to do some changes.</p>

    <p>I suppose that the best way to make it easier is to buy a fresnel.</p>

    <p>Which one that will fit with my camera do you think is the best?</p>

    <p>Thanks a lot,</p>


  4. <p>Thanks everyone for the advices.<br /> I think I definitely go for a f.9 #1 shutter, now i've just to find a good and not so expensive one. I think I would like to spend no more than 400usd.<br /> I've never used long lenses, and i've no so much experience with the 4x5 camera.<br /> I need this long lens for 1:1 ratio shots and some of them with studio lights or flash.<br /> Do you think a 300mm is it a good lens to do that?<br /> Do you think I would have problems with the bellow somehow?</p>

    <p>Thanks so much</p>


  5. <p>Thanks.</p>

    <p>So, I think I would go for the f.8 <br>

    The only doubt I have is that I don't know if I could need that wider stop of the f 5.6<br>

    I was trying to figure out how shallow would be the dof at f.8, because maybe for these portraits I don't need a super shallow depth of field, but in the future I really could need it.<br>

    What do you think? it's not easy to make a decision..</p>

  6. <p>Thanks a lot for the advices. <br /> I think I'll go for the super angulon 5.6<br /> I think I would prefer the nikkor but it's more expensive.<br /> I've also another doubt. <br /> All of you are writing about the super angulon f.8<br /> Why not about the 5.6?<br /> Which are the advantages of the f.8?</p>

    <p>Thanks a lot</p>


  7. <p>Ok, I'm sorry if this question has been repeated a lot, but I'm pretty confused and everywhere I read different answers.</p>

    <p>I don't wear glasses. I want to buy a Leica M6 and I will use it only with 28mm, 35mm and 50mm lenses.</p>

    <p>I think my answer should be the .58 finder, or not??</p>

    <p>I read that with a 50mm is very hard to focus with the .58 finder. </p>

    <p>What do you think? .58 or .72?</p>

    <p>Thanks a lot,</p>


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