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Image Comments posted by mquinn01


    I really like the layers of color from green up to the yellow. The color of the tree trunks bothers me though, the light on them is great but the color just seems off.


    This is a very nice scene but it looks over worked. One key thing, reflections in nature are never brighter than what they are reflecting. Darkening the water a stop darker than the background will really improve this image.

    moving rock

    This is just an excellent shot. The mood created by the clouds is wonderful. The wide angle really adds to the desolation of the location. Very well done, you have to be happy with this.
  1. While this waterfall was in shade the trees above were in full sun.

    The reflection of their yellow leaves on the water caught my attention

    and here is the resulting image.

    Beach Monolith


    I have gone to this location quite a few times trying to get a good

    shot. Either it was high tide so I couldn't even get to this location

    or there were no clouds, there was always something. On this trip

    everything came together, the tide was just coming back in and there

    were great clouds to add interest to the large section of sky.

  2. This is a great location and you have done a nice job capturing it. The sky is a bit too light, maybe a graduated ND filter would work but you would get darkening along the sides where the filter was sitting. A polarizer might have worked better.
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