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Image Comments posted by sprouty

    Cuba sky

    Does anyone actually look out side at the world around them anymore? Or do you all just stare at a computer for 20 hours a day? Do you really have to ask if this has been manipulated?

    Please, spend some time looking at the rest of his portfolio. There is wonderful work in there, this is just a just an exercise in saturation overload.

    Guillermo you must be laughing your ass-off at all this fawning.

  1. By the way Michael, you have an outstanding portfolio. There isn't an weak image anywhere, including this one. Which to me is all the more reason for you to ignore the whole silly concept.



  2. Let me get this straight; "most people" have rated your image with 5-7, but some "unidentified others" rated it a 1,2 and you want the moderators to remove those ratings?

    I hope I live long enough on this site to see someone complain about too high a rating.

    Michael, worrying about ratings is pure vanity, really that's all it is. Photography is not a contest, and that's what ratings reduce it to. The rating system is nothing but a blunt tool that does more damge than good.

    I've got a solution for you: never look at the ratings...not even once. Seek out discussions, that is where the value of this site lies, no where else.

  3. Thanks for chiming in Howard. And you are right, the context of a shot does mean something. Knowing that this was a "grab" shot with a long lens of a person at a fair you thought was interesting is important and provides the background to be able to properly critique it.

    Given the circumstances you described Im much more likely to forgive the subjective issues I had at first with the image. There really wasnt an opportunity to do anything other than grab a quick shot. However I still stand by my objective comments. Technical details are what they are.

    And finally, I really wasnt giving you a hard time over the cleavage, I was just wondering if that was the point of the photo.

  4. after the commend of the former PN preacher

    Im assuming this is directed at me, and have to wonder if youre inferring from my comment that Im prudish or somehow offended by cleavage. I assure you nothing could be further from the truth. I just think that this is far from the best work in his portfolio. In fact Im curious as to exactly what the intent is here. I think the image is weak and I stated several subjective reasons above, and I could go on a little more objectively about the compression artifacts and blown out highlights. Surely you can see those? And for the record, I was trying to be constructive not controversial.

    You say this is a fine capture, I have to ask why? I hope its not just because someone dared to disagree.

  5. The sensitivity toward your subject that is apparent in almost all of your other images of people appears to be missing from this shot. The entire image is soft, the pose doesnt strike me as natural in any way, and there is the obvious emphasis on cleavage, which coupled with the subjects apparent youthful age, confuses me as to your intent. I guess the bottom line is that it doesnt flatter your subject and for that reason fails to my eyes.

    My Place

    Wow, my entire knowlege of the southwest is limited to a few trips to Las Vegas and Las Cruces and yet this looked familiar. I could have sworn I'd seen something like this view while climbing in the Organs. A hidden gem of an area. Enjoy, and by the way thanks for the offer.


    I remember reading a comment someone posted on another image of yours that you were the best portrait photographer on this site. I had to laugh when I read it at the time. Then I went and checked out your portfolio. Mea culpa! I really think I have to agree.

    And this image is of course quite stunning. But not for the model (who is beautiful in her own right), but for the exceptional use of color. Every detail, right down to her eyes...really well done. I realize we're supposed to offer a critque, but I can't think of a thing to change.


    The only thing worse than pictures of monkeys are pictures of cows...and yet this is so outstanding. I agree with Matthew, I bet printed large and hung with the rest of your work this would attract attention. This is really great work.


    I'm not sure how you assess soul from an image posted on the Internet but I do know that I like this image a lot better. It draws your attention to the eyes and face using DOF rather than a tight crop and is much more engaging.



    There is no need to define or defend this image as art. It simply is an image. Without context the label art has no meaning. Of course if you really want to know what I consider to be the artistic merits of this image, well, I stand by what I wrote before: A beautiful imageI love the subtle tones, the unusual crop and positioning (of the subject) in the frame.


    But I dont think art is the real issue here. The real problem according to you is this:


    the choice of subject makes it wrong



    So lets have a discussion about what really matters to you and not worry about a silly label.


    The bottom line is that you have an issue with this type of image because your social and cultural beliefs only allow you to view this image in one way. Which is fine, you have the right to define what youre comfortable with as narrowly or as broadly as you choose. But what I object to, and what causes me to dismiss your comments, is when you equate anyone who disagrees with you as a child abuser.


    Any parent that consented on behalf of their child in my opinion commited(sic) child abuse.


    These are your words. Did I misinterpret them? Because as read them I see no appreciation or even the slightest recognition of the fact that many cultures hold different views about what is and what isnt appropriate dress and age.


    For me, the subject matter doesnt make me uncomfortable and more importantly I feel no need to defend that position to a person who dismisses all other views out of hand. Take a minute and re-read all the comments. Not surprisingly, given the multicultural nature of this group, youll see that the majority of people commenting here are complimentary towards the image and subject matter. You dont have to like this image, you can even say how you dont understand how other people can. But you dont get to accuse anyone who does like it of condoning child abuse, at least not if you expect to be taken seriously by people on a forum intended to foster discussion on photography. So ask yourself this are you here to share and learn or are you only here to spout off closed-minded opinions and disparage others who dare to disagree? Figure that out then re-join the discussion.








    Autumn evening


    Hmm, interesting comparison. You certainly have added an element of drama to a nice but somewhat ordinary scene. The lighting in the first image still confuses me (lighter and darker in areas that you wouldnt expect it), but the more I look at it the more I like it in a "graphic" sort of way.




    Autumn evening

    Bernt, how about posting an unmanipulated version just for comparision puposes? It definitely is a strange image with the light coming from different sources.



    Ask yourself, would Ansel Adams have taken this picture? Sally Mann may have, but her crap isn't art either.


    Brian your lack of understanding of what is commonly recognized as valuable contributions to the world of art by the likes of people such as Sally Mann and your refusal to even acknowledge different social tolerances or differing perspectives should preclude you from further serious discussions about this piece.






    A beautiful image without a doubt. I love the subtle tones, the unusual crop and positioning in the frame. And if the alarmists knew anything at all about differing cultural views or had even the slimmest knowledge of art history their strident protests would seem foolish and misguided.



    I also agree with the posts that say this child should not be posing nudeThere should be no debate on that point. All of you who say you should, I am waiting for pictures of your 10-12 year old to show up.




    And to Mr. Schrib, (whose comment I quoted above) welcome to photo.net, now please take a look at the following work by Sally Mann and offer a thoughtful comment.




    Cool Kid III

    Two things jumped out at me when I first saw this, the perspective, very crocodile like, and the colors. The dark skin tones and the pale green water seem very complimentary. I'd have to see the shorts to know if they might have been a good crop. Otheriwise I don't mind the "tightness".

    Storm Front


    I'm with Eddie, I can't for the life of me imagine the low ratings. This is a simple yet well caught image. The only extraneous element might be the dark triangle in the bottom right of the frame.


    I haven't quite come to grips with how to rate yet (in other words, I haven't developed my own personal "scale") but I will say that 2's and 3's are certainly undeserved.



  6. Questionable grammar aside, I do feel a sense of implied motion, and also while I wonder about the story of who went where and why, I think this image works best when considered as a study of opposites:


    black vs. white


    forward vs. backward


    active vs. static (tire tracks)


    warm vs. cold (snowy windshield)




    I like the graphic qualities as mentioned above and I think the composition is quite precise. Overall I think this is a very interesting image that shows what this photographer does best: takes extremely ordinary scenes and asks you to see them again, as something more than ordinary.


    This is harder to do than you might think



  7. I can tell by the rest of the work in your folder that you know your way around a camera, so Im guessing you got exactly what you were after here and I have to say it really is great. Just like Julian mentioned above, this has an almost-over-the-top quality about it that just makes me want to laugh. The pink sweater and school skirt contrasted with the stiff pose and tank(!)?? I don't know what to say, it's just wacky (in a good way).




  8. Definitely the best of the series in my mind, the surreal coloration of the trees, the wisp of cloud or smoke and the ominous tower leering into the frameErector Set Godzilla! This is makes me want to shoot some IR, it completely compliments the subject.




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