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Posts posted by william_landon

  1. After serveral attempts I was able to record a DUST OFF reference photo with my

    D80 & 17-55mm f2.8 nikkor lens. I transfered my images (including the DUST OFF

    reference photo to my computer. I opened an image in capture NX and applied the

    DUST OFF reference photo without incident. Capture NX asked me if I would like

    to use the DUST OFF reference photo it found in the same folder as the image I

    was editing (pretty smart eh?). Anyway, I examined the image at different

    magnifications as I checked and unchecked the dust off enhancement box. I

    examined featurless background areas and blue sky. I checked and unchecked

    dozens of times as I can see NO difference. What is this doing for me ?

  2. The MB-D80 battery pack draws from the right side battery to exhaustion, then switches to the left side. Using this battery pack insures that you COMPLETELY discharge the RIGHT side battery before switching to the left side so that you can recharge the fully depleted battery therefore squeezing the most performance and shelf life out of each battery. Once recharged, I move the left battery to the right position and install the freshly charged battery in the left position and let the right side battery discharge to exhaustion. Also the verticle controls are very comfortable.
  3. I bought mine new in the late 1970's and use it to this day. It was CLA'd once and the meter is spot on. It's been dropped several times, the worst was flying of the back of my motorcycle at 30mph, whereas the filter broke the focusing screen came loose and the impact dented the cover near the exposure counter. The counter went to 36 exp and stayed there until I had it fixed. I use my F3hp often but when I want to go light, it's my FE.

    She's bullet proof.

  4. I have installed my licensed copy of Capture NX version 1.0 on three computers. I have also successfully upgraded all three to the current version 1.2 from Nikon's website. Nikon doesn't ask you for the key (which I have), they just upgrade it with no problems.
  5. The use of Nikon?s Capture NX is essentially un-usable. The software is

    agonizingly slow and crashes frequently. My computer is not that old and runs

    adobe photoshop cs3, Picasa 2 quickly and easily. I?ve removed more than 500

    mb of unused programs run disk clean up and have recently defragged. Is

    anyone out there pleased with NX?s performance and if so what platform do you

    run, and what should the minimum computer requirements be? Thanx for any


  6. I buy from B&H photo regularly. My last order was for 20 different items mostly darkroom stuff. My order arrived promptly but I was short one bottle of ilford stop bath (a $5.00 item). The next day I emailed their customer service department about the missing item at about 7:00am and they returned my email in less than fifteen minutes informing me that they will investigate and get back to me. I'm sure this first email was an auto response but the second one two hours later wasn't. They notified me that my stop bath would be shipped out later that day and gave me the tracking number like you get with any order!


    That's what I like, Sorry for the problem, no questions asked, we'll make it right, shop with us again!


    I like that I never had to use the telephone to remedy the problem (don't like phones) which is why I buy on line in the first place.


    YA GO TO B&H

  7. I'm about to purchase a brand x 500mm and there are several choices.

    I can't bring my self to bite the bullet and buy a Nikkor 500mm

    mirror lens as they are pricey. I own seven nikkor lenses and I

    afraid I'm going to be dissappointed but I would use this 500mm



    Does anyone know where the following brands rank on the food

    chain? Vivitar, Tokina, Opteka, Sigma etc.




  8. I will be purchasing a new scanner this weekend. It's a toss up

    between a Microtek i700 or an Epson photo 4490 scanner. So far the

    difference is the Microtek i700 after rebate is $100.00 more that

    the Epson 4490 (also after rebate). As far as I can tell the only

    difference is the 4x5" EZ lock film holder? Since most of my film

    shots are 35mm & 6x6 I can't justify another $100.00 for the little

    4x5 work i do!

    Anyone with experience with either or both?


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