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Everything posted by randy_myers3

  1. <p>Eric,<br> Yes, I will go put a stamp on that thread when all is said an done. I haven't yet decided between the Nec PA 242 W BK or the ColorEdge CS240. I'm kind of in a state of analysis paralysis at this point. I'm sure I will be thrilled. This loaner laptop that I'm using is a 2 core with 8 GB of ram and compared to my old system, I think I've died and gone to heaven. Can't wait to start using my new one with 6 cores and 16 GB of ram. Here's hopin' that it lasts me 7 years like the last one did.</p> <p>Andrew,<br> I'm banking on the fact that it's not all that big of a deal, like you said. When I thought it WAS a big deal, I mean like that I wouldn't even be able to use Adobe 1998 I was looking at the Quatro cards that DO support 10 per channel, there was a big trade off in speed and other functions in order to get the 10 bits, that is of course unless you spend an utterly ridiculous amount of money on one of the higher end Quatros.<br /><br />If some day down the road, I'm looking at the monitor and think, "man this image REALLY just doesn't look right without that 8 millionth color AND I win the lotto, I will reconsider. : -)</p>
  2. <p>Thanks guys !</p> <p>I can finally rest my aching noggin with all of the decision making and just want for the new Photoshop monster to be built. </p>
  3. <p>OK, I just found out the main thing that I wanted to know. I do NOT need 10 bits per channel support to view the Adobe 1998 color space. The only advantage to 10 bits per channel is WAY more gradations of color which may help with the appearance of band in color gradients.<br /><br />I'm VERY glad to have found this out because in the little bit of research that I just did on graphics cards that DO support 10 bits per channel of color are much more expensive and in a lot of cases, I would be giving up other great things like SPEED !</p>
  4. <p>"You should be able to buy an older gpu that does 10 bit"<br> So far, anything that I've found that supports 10 bits per color is either stupidly high priced OR, it does 10 bits at the expense of a whole lot of other things that I was looking for in a good graphics card.</p> <p>This is getting crazy, I might as well just buy a cheaper monitor if I've got to jump through hoops to get the most out of a pro monitor. FRUSTRATING !</p>
  5. <p>Thanks Andrew,<br> All of this pro monitor stuff may be a moot point without a very specific graphics card.<br> Could you weigh in on this thread ?<br> http://www.photo.net/digital-darkroom-forum/00d6hz</p>
  6. <p>Wouter,<br /><br /> Thanks for sending me in the right direction. Here is an article that really spells everything out.<br /><br /><a href="http://www.imagescience.com.au/kb/questions/152/10+Bit+Output+Support" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://www.imagescience.com.au/kb/questions/152/10+Bit+Output+Support</a><br /><br /> And here is my chat with Nvidia.<br /><br /><br /> [06:03:50 PM] Hi, my name is Asif. How may I help you?<br /> [06:05:27 PM] Randy Myers: I am buying a professional graphics monitor that is capable of 10 bits of color. I have chosen to buy the ASUS STRIX GTX 960 graphics card but I can't find the information anywhere as to whether or not this card is capable of outputting 10 bits. <br /> [06:07:49 PM] Asif: I apologize, but we recommend Quadro cards to go with 10-bit monitors for professional use.<br /> [06:07:56 PM] Asif: <a href="http://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3011/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3011/</a><br /> [06:08:34 PM] Randy Myers: What is the least expensive card that supports 10 bit?<br /> [06:08:50 PM] Asif: May I know the make and model of your computer if this is a branded computer or the make and model of the motherboard if this is a custom built one?<br /> [06:09:33 PM] Randy Myers: Hold on while I find that information.<br /> [06:10:22 PM] Asif: Sure<br /> [06:12:19 PM] Randy Myers: asus x99-A LGA2011-vs Intel x99<br /> [06:12:52 PM] Randy Myers: It is being built custom this week.<br /> [06:15:15 PM] Asif: May I know what applications will you be working with?<br /> [06:16:06 PM] Randy Myers: Photoshop CS 5 now but I will very soon be upgrading to there subscription model which is called Photoshop CC<br /> [06:16:59 PM] Asif: Ok<br /> [06:17:20 PM] Asif: You can go for a Quadro K620 or a Quadro K2200<br /> [06:17:44 PM] Randy Myers: So those are the only choses?<br /> [06:18:40 PM] Asif: Since you asked for a least expensive card and that suffices your requirements, these are the best options<br /> [06:19:02 PM] Randy Myers: OK, what are the prices of those two cards?<br /> [06:20:31 PM] Asif: K620:<br /><br /><a href="http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814133560&cm_re=k620-_-14-133-560-_-Product" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814133560&cm_re=k620-_-14-133-560-_-Product</a><br /><br /><br /> K2200:<br /><br /><a href="http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814133559&cm_re=k2200-_-14-133-559-_-Product" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814133559&cm_re=k2200-_-14-133-559-_-Product</a><br /> [06:21:16 PM] Randy Myers: I can't click on those links without losing you. Can you type the prices?<br /> [06:22:48 PM] Asif: Sure Randy. Sorry about that<br /> [06:23:14 PM] Asif: K620:<br /> $159.99<br /><br /> K2200:<br /> $420.99<br /> [06:24:08 PM] Randy Myers: OK great. So, any OTHER of your cards that would support 10 bit output would be more expensive?<br /> [06:24:17 PM] Asif: Yes<br /> [06:24:49 PM] Randy Myers: So with one of those cards and with a 10 bit monitor, I will get 10 bit color?<br /> [06:25:56 PM] Asif: Sorry about that. You can also go for a Quadro K420 as well, but I would suggest the K620 as the K620 will perform better than the K420.<br /> [06:26:34 PM] Asif: K420:<br /> $112.99<br /> [06:26:50 PM] Asif: Yes, you can get 10-bit Grey Scale<br /> [06:28:22 PM] Randy Myers: OK, I'm not very tech savvy as you can probably tell. I DO know that the ASUS STRIX GTX 960 was a VERY good card that supported open GL and Open CL in Photoshop. Do those Quadro cards do the same thing and are they at LEAST as good at the 960?<br /> [06:29:37 PM] Asif: The Quadro cards does use OpenGL and OpenCL<br /> [06:29:56 PM] Asif: Also as advised these are the best cards to go for the 10-bit<br /> [06:30:33 PM] Randy Myers: OK, understood but do you know if I'm giving up any other functions to go with the Quadro cards?<br /> [06:33:38 PM] Asif: If you go with the GeForce cards, 10-bit Grey Scaling with OpenGL and OpenCL does not work.<br /> [06:34:04 PM] Asif: As advised above, the Quadro cards are recommended for professional purposes<br /> [06:34:34 PM] Randy Myers: OK, thanks. Will you be emailing a transcript of this chat to me?<br /> [06:35:29 PM] Asif: You will be receiving the chat transcript via email (<a href="mailto:Randy-Myers@comcast.net" rel="nofollow">Randy-Myers@comcast.net</a>) once the chat session ends. It is an automated process done by the server.<br /> [06:35:59 PM] Randy Myers: Thank you. That is all I need. You have been very helpful. Good night !<br /> [06:37:05 PM] Asif: You are welcome<br /><br /><br /> So Wouter. You were right.<br /><br />So, any of you folks out there who have bought a pro monitor with 10 bits color and just assumed that is what you were getting, you are wrong, unless you have specifically researched pro level graphics cards like Quadro that spell out the fact that they support 10 bit output, you're just getting 8 bits like every other Joe Schmoe.<br /><br />The only question that I have left is, if I do NOT buy a better card that supports 10 bits and I only get 8 bits, am I still going to be able to see the Adobe 1998 color space on my fancy new monitor??</p>
  7. <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td>See message down below............... </td> </tr> <tr> <td>``</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
  8. <p>Oh GREAT ! I guess I'm going to have to look into this some more.</p> <p>Thanks guys !</p>
  9. <p>OK, THERE you go. That might be the tipping factor. I actually HAVE the i1 Display-2. It doesn't say x-rite on it anywhere though. PANTONE Gretagmacbeth. Is that the same one you're talking about? If so, I could maybe save some money.</p>
  10. <p>I'm not sure if I understood your question correctly but they both have their own proprietary Colorimeters and software. I can't find many differences between these two choices. I guess I'll just flip a coin.<br /><br />Thanks Andrew</p>
  11. <p>http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=&sku=1115044&is=REG&Q=&A=details</p>
  12. <p>http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&DEPA=0&Order=BESTMATCH&Description=asus+strix+gtx960&N=-1&isNodeId=1</p>
  13. <p>I have chosen the Asus Strix-GTX 960 for my next video card. Does this card have good enough specs so as to allow me to make full use of the more pro monitors like the Nec Pa or the Eizo Coloredge series monitors? Please say yes, I don't want to go back to the drawing board for the video card but I just want to make sure that this card will not cripple the better monitors in some way.<br /><br />THANKS !<br> <a href="http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121913">http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121913</a></p>
  14. <p>Anyone still interested in this question or know anymore about these monitors? I'm having my next monster Photoshop machine being built this week and this is the final decision that I have to make. The slight price difference does not bother me. B&H has these within a $100.00 of each other right now. I will be buying their proprietary puck and software for calibration regardless of which one I pick.<br> To be honest, the wider color gamut is not what has me salivating because most of my work is done in sRGB. What attracts me to these two monitors is the quality, the hardware calibration, the 16 bit LUT, the accuracy and brightness and color screen uniformity. It IS important that their version of sRGB be right on because as I said, that's how I will be working most of the time.<br> I am a freelance image editor but most of it for the web. Having the wider gamut though will be great for the occasional client that prints that way.<br /><br />I guess I really can't go wrong with either one but if anyone knows enough about these two monitors to lean one direction or the other, please speak up. I'd LOVE to end all of my decision making as of TODAY so I can finally rest ! This buying of a new system after 7 years on the same set up is mentally EXHAUSTING. I'm still on XP for crying out loud. : -)</p>
  15. <p>Eric,<br> What do you do for backup with only one mass storage hard drive?</p>
  16. <p>Thanks for all of the additional responses. I appreciate it !<br /><br />Steven,<br> Please check your private messages and or email.<br> THANKS !</p>
  17. <p>Thanks Mary.<br /><br />When you bought from them, did YOU pick the parts or did you have them help you with what they already knew worked well together?</p>
  18. <p>Thanks for all of the additional responses everyone.</p> <p>Mary, I would actually LOVE to go with the pro builders as you have but any of them that "I" have checked out have always been MUCH more expensive than buying the parts and having them put together. I'm surprised to hear that you thought they were reasonable.</p>
  19. <p>Wow, there is a lot to absorb here.</p> <p>Joe,<br> Thanks for those additional links</p> <p>Dieter,<br> Yes, as far as "I" know, the two 2 TB drives are just for storage. Like I say, I've been reading for a while and I'm not sure where I read it but I know I've read several times that if you have enough memory, there really is no need for any more than one ssd. I think it may have actually been on the official Photoshop site that I read that. I DOES seem that I should up my ram to 32 GB though. Thanks !</p> <p>John,<br> Thanks</p> <p>Eric,<br> I don't think anything is necessarily amiss. This buy is about as honest as the day is long and about as nice as a person can possible be. I make my money as a freelance image editor. One of my very best clients was breathing down my neck and I was afraid of loosing here because my old PC had started randomly shutting down and I couldn't get any work done. Rather than put any money into my old PC, this builder set me up with a loner laptop and monitor with Photoshop already on board. He is not going to charge me ONE DIME for the use of his PC for the 2-3 weeks until the new system is built. Hard to beat THAT kind of service. I will definitely be showing him this thread though and see if we can shave some cost of without performance loss and I'm REALLY leaning towards the 32 GB of ram now. Oh, I see that you just posted a parts list. Thanks !</p> <p>Mary,<br> Thanks. Yes, I don't have the exact models at hand but in the running for monitors are either the Nec or the Eizo 24 inch. The ones that are around $900.00 an have there own calibration software and wide gamut although I MAY be able to be talked into a good 24 inch Dell with only sRGB gamut. Not sure yet. I was actually going to eventually make that another thread but feel free to chime in if you wish.</p> <p>Steven,<br> I can't thank you enough for all of that info and for your parts list. If I can save money with no loss in performance then I am all for that. I'm so used to wireless that I'm not sure I'd want to go back to being tethered again but I will MOST DEFINITELY be looking real hard at your post and parts list. Once I've absorbed some of this stuff more, I'll probably have more questions for you but at this point, I don't know enough to know what to ask. : -) As far as parts, this guy IS using Newegg a lot but he comparison shopped for each part and when with the least expensive, reputable supplier he could find for each part. THANKS AGAIN !</p> <p>Brad,<br> Good another vote for keeping it more simple with one ssd. My builder is also a video editor for weddings and he also said the with 16 GB of Ram that he almost never reaches it's limits. I'm pretty confused about 16 or 32. From all I've read, people seem to be split down the middle about that particular issue. Hmmmm. Does raid 0 mean your two discs are mirrored. I believe that's what my guy had mentioned.<br /><br /><br> Phil,<br> thanks for all of that info. My guy's comment when I brought up water cooling is that he really doesn't like the idea of having water in a PC. I don't know enough to understand what you're talking about with your drives but I will show this to my builder.</p> <p>Les,<br> Thanks for the tips about extra fans.</p>
  20. <p>Thanks Joe,</p> <p>For you and anybody else that helps, there is an alternative graphics cards at the bottom of the list. Any opinions on one over the other or any of them in general. My main concern is being able to make full use of all of the new and more taxing updates in CS 6 and or CC.</p>
  21. <p>Hello,<br> I'm limping along on a 7 year old PC. It's been a real work horse but here of late it's just about ready for the glue factory.<br /><br />I have an acquaintance who is the IT guy for a huge corporation. He is so in love with this stuff though that he does extra work on the side. I am pretty much PC illiterate in regards to the hardware so recently I've been reading a lot here and elsewhere about new builds for Photoshop. I'm using CS 5 at this point but will be moving on to CC as soon as my new PC is built. I got together with this guy and with my notes in hand, we had a discussion about the new build. The attached image has the parts list and prices.<br /><br />If you are so inclined, please look over the list and tell me anything that you think is not quite enough or on the other hand anything that seems like overkill. If there is a significantly less expensive part, that I could substitute WITHOUT loosing anything in the way of speed and functionality, let me know. If there is something that just seems WAY wrong, let me know about that also. Basically anything that you think would be beneficial for me to know before I buy the parts. Please only weigh in if you consider yourself pretty much an expert in this area.</p> <p> </p><div></div>
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