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Posts posted by scott_eaton5

  1. When resizing, you MUST check the "Resample" box. Otherwise the only dimensions changed are merely tags, not pixels. If the resized print is less than about 150 ppi, a high resolution printer will faithfully reproduces the pixel structure in all it's ugliness. An inkjet, for example, automatically mapping to 1440 dpi, will not add detail, nor smooth the data.


    This is entirely wrong, and I'm tired of arguing with you about it.


    There is a big difference between a $80 desktop printer and a $75,000 LightJet or Lambda printer and front end software. In the later case the lab is investing in a commercial market segment and doesn't have time to play with DPI settings in photo files. When a professional client is having a 12 foot mural made and paying several grand for it they don't mickey mouse with DPI settings in photoshop . You really think that guy is going resize his file to 300dpi native in a mural that size?


    A large format InkJet printer on the hand *does not* come with high end RIP software because of the drastic difference in price and market segment. Most small time inkjet / vinyl guys are going to making vector based advertisemenst that will rescale native anyways on the basic of vector conversion. It's typically a volume business. A guy running a 36" Epson in his basement likely won't invest five digits in software.


    Do you even know what a RIP is? Do you even know what a LightJet is? Lambda? Inkjet printers which you keep talking about are the exception in the commercial photo printing world.


    In the case of the RA-4 printers you want to present them with RAW data...not interpolated crap in Photoshop because the RIP on the front end of these beasts will do a far better job than Photoshop or any plug you have. The shop I have metal prints made paid $10,000 for their LightJet RIP alone which they also use for Metal Print dye sub printer. You can easily see the difference vs having Photshop interpolate and they won't accept upscaled files from clients.


    Also, newer Lambdas are something like 400dpi. LightJets and Fuji Frontiers around 300'ish native. So, even if you upscaled the file to 300dpi in Photoshop that's not enough data for a lambda and the printer has to upscale to native resolution anyways. 300dpi is just an arbritary number that's deprecated in photoshop. It could be 287 or 323...doesn't matter.


    You are also wrong with setting a lower end DPI limit. I go well below 200dpi all the time with metal and RA-4 digital prints and they look fantastic. With inkjet I don't because it's much higher mechanical resolution and the there's less diffusion not to mention the front end RIP is rarely there.


    Rodeo_Joe is also correct on Printers doing it native, although the printer itself isn't doing it but the driver in front.

  2. Canon AE-1. It wasn't necessarily a bad camera, just over-rated. I know they AE-1 heralded in some manufacturing innovations, but it also introduced a host of superfluos features that other manufacturers soon followed.


    The camera sucked 6volt batteries like they were jolly ranchers. It only had shutter priority mode, which is the most useless exposure mode for enthusiasts unlike AE priority where you can dynamically turn the aperture ring while looking through the view finder and present yourself options. It wasn't very durable. Sucky 60/sec flash. Terrible shutter / mirror recoil that compared to my later purchased FE-2 felt like an AK-47 and made the camera impossible to handhold while the FE-2 could go down to rangefinder shutter speeds and deliver clear shots.

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  3. Just got home and checked what steps I took and the results of each step.

    First, I took my native RAW file and resized it using the image size window options. I resized one to 24X36, maintaining 300 ppi and the 'Resample' box was CHECKED. I did the same for the 30X45 size.

    Then, I did in fact use the Marquee tool with rulers to make a crop of 12X18 inches on each of the larger image files. I didn't see that I could select the Marquee size, I just set the top left corner and moved the opposite corner until the Width and Height measurements were 12X18. Then I positioned the Marquee over the area I wanted to analyze on each print. I had to use the arrow keys to position it because I don't know yet how to just grab the selection and move it around. Then I selected 'Crop Image'. The resulting cropped sections, from each larger print, measured 12X18 at 300 ppi. I didn't select or specify the 300 ppi, it just came out that way.

    So, after all is said and done, does it sound like when I print the 12X18 sections from each of the 24X36 and 30X45 images, that I will have the same degree of detail as if I printed the whole 24X36 and 30X45 print looking at the same area?

    Whew. Sorry to put you all through this.


    You don't want the resample box checked when you upsize the print unless the lab has instructions to do this. I was going by memory but Ed is correct - it's the resample option (should be unchecked) after resize. By checking the resample box and increasing print dimensions Photoshop is now interpolating and adding information in a way that's rarely as good as the lab printer can. Commercial labs I get murals done at won't even accept upscaled files. They'll punt them back and tell me to let their printer do the upscale.


    Again, most commercial labs are using RA-4 digital printers for volume enlargements, and the front end RIP on a Lambda or LightJet or Frontier will do a much better job than having photoshop rescale. Big reason these printers are so popular is they upscale anything to their native 300-400 dpi to huge dimensions and it holds up well.


    Ink-jet is a different matter. They are primarly used at lower volume / fine art type shops and sometimes they require you to rescale to nothing less than 240dpi ahead of time. This should be on their main site for instructions. Funny enough but RA-4 and Inkjet based labs are kind of divided like the Hatfields and McCoys with each lab thinking the other guy's technology printer is junk. Unfortunately the net result is confusing consumers.

  4. Make sure when you resize your image in Photoshop to 30x45" you uncheck the option box to resize the image. You then choose a fixed crop box at the specific size in inches. Photoshop should then do it correctly.


    If 'Resize' is left checked Photoshop will just rescale to whatever size you indicated at the default dpi (usually 300) and you will get a 30x45 at 300 dpi with massive amounts of fake information (interpolated) added. You do not want this. The lab should be doing this, especially if it's a Lambda / LightJet RA4 type printer, which is the most common type for online enlargements. They should also have no problem with a 30-45" file from a 24mb capture provided it's sharp and artifact free.

  5. The 'rolling' action in that video is totally unnecessary. Just turn the tank smartly upside down and wait a few seconds for air to bubble through the spiral, then turn the tank upright again. Making sure to hold the tank lid firmly in place!


    (Personally, I wrap a strip of vinyl tape around my stainless-steel tank lid for insurance.)


    Also, the tapping of the tank on the bench is far too gentle. The purpose is to dislodge any air 'bells' adhering to the film, and a gentle little tap like that shown will do absolutely nothing. Put a doubled-up towel on the worktop and bang the tank bottom down on it quite hard.


    The tank needs this 'banging' as soon as it's filled, BTW. It should be the first thing you do after the cap has been fitted after filling with developer.


    Who teaches these people the nonsense they video in order to spread such poor technique?


    Streaking caused by aggressive agitation across sprocket holes are one of the most common problems with hand processed black and white. I can also induce the problem via putting a nitrogen burst pipe too close to film reels. I also used to work with these 4x5 racks that had perforated holes about 1/4 inch apart for developer flow, and they produced a similiar problem as 35mm sprocket holes.


    The issue is also strongly dependant on films you use. Kodak Panatomic -X and Plus-X were the most sensitive while the newer Tmax films are fairly resilient to it. First time I used those 4x5 racks with a customers plus-X sheet film the streaks were so bad he had to re-shoot. Made sure I agitated at 1/4 the speed next time. There's a reason most commercial labs switched to tube development / Wing Lynch processors for B&W because the rotary action of development never caused developer to traverse sprocket holes and hence you got really smooth density uniformity across 35mm.


    The way my zone system college instructors taught is the way I suggest doing it; as you invert the developer tank rotate it at least one turn. This breaks up the vortex pattern to a great extent although if you're using a film prone to the problem it will be tough to eliminate completely. We shot neutral grey cards and were actually graded on how uniform our frames were in college, which was good technique to learn in the long run. The fact you have not experienced the problem tells me you've been lucky enough to avoid those films and developers prone to it. Just quickly inverting a development tank is asking for trouble.


    If anything is dumb it's the use of acetic acid acid / stop bath / vinegar. Only a brief rinse of water between developer / fix is required to normalize pH.

  6. If you are using color filter within the normal gamut capture of the sensor then in theory you should be able to get the same effect with channel mixing in photoshop and are wasting your time. Using a #25 red filter for instance is no different than tossing out the green and blue channels with one exception: the heavy red filter doesn't take into account bayer AA filtering and you can get some nasty aliasing. So, tossing out the green / blue channels in a photo editor should yield slightly better results than a filter on a digital camera.


    In practice it's a not so clean cut. Digital camera sensors aren't perfect bandpass filters and have their own limits. Why I constantly harp we need more capture channels than RGB at the sensor level, especially to help keep red/orange/magenta blowout in check (cough 60D / 7D cough).


    With a milder filter the camera's white balance will try to balance it out. If it's too extreme you'll get all kinds of weird crossover problems.

  7. Unless you are printing really big or doing heavy cropping sensor noise on newer cameras might as well not exist anyways. If it does chromatic noise is likely what you are seeing because it's pretty ugly.


    There are plenty of times flash is desireable because ambient light, even though 'grain free' just isn't pleasing. I used to shoot wedding receptions and other informals with my 35mm Nikon gear and used a SB-16B which had the ability to bounce and fill flash at the same time with dead on exposure. With a 8-10' white ceiling I'll take those shots over straight ambient regardless of grain/noise anyday.

  8. One of the trends in photography that used to drive me utter bonkers and has faded (but not yet entirely gone away) was the fad in the 80's and 90

    's of taking small contact prints or polaroid transfers and mounted them with a giant white matte. So, you have this little 4x5" image surrounded by five square feet of white board not to mention the frame. Pretentious and trying to draw attention is an under statement, and there was a long standing stigma that any photograph not mounted and framed with a big white matte was only good for your fridge door. Those art snobs have steadily died off, or dropped over with coronaries when they saw the first floating color 30x40 metal transfer or acrylic prints :-)

    I just want to see somebody's pictures...in print or digital. I'm also always the first to point out some body's work I think would look exceptional given a metal or acrylic treatment as well just knowing they'll beam when they see the final product.

    I have found I prefer to keep my B&W work more conservative and only displayed when matted and framed given I'm very meticulous about the final product and only use the best fine art printers.

  9. Once you get up to and beyond 18mp or so AA starts to not matter as much. Much more of an issue in the days of sub 10mp sensors.


    What you shoot is also relevant. Portrait or product shooters are obviously going to be fussy when it comes to moire rearing its ugly head on fabrics. When you shoot a lot of landscapes like I do I can do without AA.


    Medium format and larger transparency films, especially long density range ones like EPP easily match digital in terms of being overly clinical when it comes to skin tones. Magazine printing helped mask the problem, but drum scans showed how brutally detailed MF trans could be. Air brush anyone? Its 35mm and print films that set a standard for fluffy skin tones. Don't want to retouch as much? Then shoot Vericolor III or Reala. Of course everybody's skin tones all looked the same.

  10. Glen mentioned a really good tip before spending money on a big enlargement, and that's doing a crop test. I do the same before making a large print and want to make sure I'm not upscaling too much. You spend $2-3 on a test 8x10 at the final size and DPI as your full mural will be and you can view exactly what the quality will be, Worth it in my book. Good tip Glen.
  11. A principal question of resolution, film vs digital: The resolution of a film picture is calculated as the sum of the reciproque value of the resolution of the lens and the reciproque value of the resolution of the film - i.e. if the lens resolves 100 lpm and the. film 50 lpm, then the final picture will have a resolution of 33 lpm (1/100 + 2/100 = 3/100 = 1/33).


    But how is it with digital sensors?


    Kind regards,

    Stig T. Rasmussen


    I hate responding to necro threads revivals, especially ones where film pundits quote stupid remarks about digital simply because they can't take decent pictures with digital and need an excuse bordering on middle ages alchemy, but in keeping with technical accuracy...


    The problem with DPM measurements with color film is that resolution is not linear throughout the density range of film, especially print film. With print film resolution, which is basically measures as monochromatic density difference with split pairs differs greatly from dmin to dmax. In plain English the low density areas (low mids to shadows) can't record as much information as higher mid tone ranges where the dye clouds have their best ratio of density. High density areas of print film (highlights) quickly start to block up and also lose the ability to maintain split pairs. Print film, particularly low contrast ones like portait films might have a very long exposure range exceeding 12 stops, but the amount of actual information in the extremes becomes severely compromised. White noise is not information.


    Color slide film is a little better in this regard thanks to it's higher density range. However, you still have the problem with the extremes losing information. Highlights in slide film consist of film stain (nothing). There is no information there.


    Digital capture is far more linear in this respect because the sensors and processing are designed to be linear. Your final file might be 24-bit or your working space, but at sensor level bit depths are much higher. Much higher than any print film working beyond a 10 stop brightness range that's for sure.


    I have 4k by 6k drum scans of the much heralded RG-25 and my 60D yields more information in a 20x30 print (especially luminance data) , and unlike the 60D file I have to thrash the RG-25 scan with de-noise filers to reduce grain and trade off information even more.


    There's a reason pros before digital shot MF and LF, and that's because 35mm is a terrible format in regards to pulling information from, optically or with a drum scanner. Because somebody needs a desperate bone in the fight against digital and quotes anything they can find doesn't change how bad 35mm is in terms of commercial reproduction.

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  12. If the lab you are using is worth a salt and these are RA4 based digital prints (most are) then there's no need to upsize. All those printers have excellent RIPs that upscale seamlessly as long as you have a tack sharp file devoid of artifacts. 100dpi is no problem for a big print or mural provided again it's a good file. I do it all the time.


    For inkjet printing dpi is another story, but most of those fine art printers will warn you about dpi ahead of time.

  13. To be blunt, if I'm trying to 'future project' and want the best document to remember a person or event by I shoot video. I don't try to fool myself that a still is going to be cherished more than an MP4.


    My family has boxes of pictures and slides of relatives I lost decades ago, and I would trade every one of them for a few minutes of smartphone video to hear their voice and watch them move.


    When shooting still for pure art purposes and there's a sales intent I just try to stay away from things than are cliche', including technique. One of the best aspects of Pre 60's photography (when smaller formats and unstable dye technology started to take hold) is that those larger film formats hold massive amounts of detail and tone, and that helps give the image so much longevity. JD's shot is a superb example of this. I've always been a detail nut and try to incorporate as much detail as I can in an image I want to stand out and still be pointed out in 20 years.

  14. Computational photography like the L16 does is the future- like it or lump it. While that camera won't match a FF or APS-C dSLR at it's max resolution is does get scary close under ideal circumstances.


    Dynamic range increases are worth the R&D alone.


    Still, all the computational gimmickry in the world doesn't get you past the limits of RBG capture. Note the dark skin model wearing the bright red scarf on the main page of the camera site. The reds are blown out just like my stupid 60D, 1990's consumer print film and other dSLRs with the typical red channel problems. We need to get beyond crude RBG capture to fix this and move to 4/5/6 color sensors.

  15. I also tried a very nice half frame Olympus Pen (not the digital ones) and though the lens was very good, I found it hard to crop at all and 5x7 was mostly what I thought I could print. 8x10 was a stretch. Now we have sensors that small that CAN achieve good 8x10s and even maybe beyond. Could be I needed a finer grain film and a tripod though.


    Even with finer grain film you still have to contend with degree of enlargement factors, and that get's ugly. Now, if you shot slide back then nobody tended to notice when you projected them other than the frame was smaller. If you had decent glass the micro form factors had a better time of it with tranny film than print film. Also with slide film you didn't have to contend with under exposed print film degrading so fast when printed.

  16. "Both 110 format and disk film suffered horribly due to their absurdly small image area along with Kodak marketing"


    Movie film didn't seem to suffer wonder why that is ?


    Because it's flipping by at 24-30fps and nobody gives a flip as much about spatial quality when it comes to moving film. Freeze the camera to one still and you have the same problem.

    Before anybody here starts bragging about how motion picture film stocks are superior to pro/sumer color neg stocks let me remind you how dismally that failed when they tried to *give away* MP film in the 80's and early 90's. Stuff was trash.


    Highly compressed digital video formats have the same problem. Freeze the frame on a heavily compressed 4:2:2 video and it looks like crap. Run it by at full motion and the per frame chromatic compression doesn't bug you as much.

  17. Panatomic was a super fun film to shoot with. Drastically less finicky on processing than techpan although a pre-soak was mandatory given it's short development time. I always preferred Panatomic over Pan-F.


    Verichrome Pan is another classic that's sorely missed. Incredible highlight structure that rides between chromogenics and classic B&W films while retaining the density range of the later.


    Plus-X never amazed me preferring FP4 instead. Later gens of Plus-X pro were just diet Tmax 100, so be careful what you wish for.

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  18. You're not going to get both speed and heavy compensation (low gamma) with Techpan 2415 without using Technidol. Using a hyper diluted / high energy diluted developer like HC 110 (dilution F) or Rodinal (1:100 or higher) along with very mild agitation will tame the contrast but at the loss of speed. Even with Technidol highlights with 2415 tends to 'wall-up' a bit, but it sure was a fun film to work with in 35mm.
  19. Both 110 format and disk film suffered horribly due to their absurdly small image area along with Kodak marketing. The formats were simply incapable of producing even a 4x5 size print of consumer quality unless everything was in perfect alignment, and that was rarely the case. Because of the small size of 110/disk film it required perfect calibration of machine based optics with any slight drift producing mushy grain. Print film as we know also has no tolerance for under-exposure the effects of which produce rapid 'grain-up' and deterioration of the image due to lack of energy given to the dye couplers during exposure. Net result of the two is some pretty bad prints from consumer labs. The actual disk cameras themselves were of reasonably decent quality and kodak did a respectable job on the mini optics.


    I had more than my share of customers bring my shop disk film to see if there was anything I could do with the stuff in terms of custom printing and try to get a decent ~5x7 or bigger from the medium (consumer labs rarely had lens boards to enlarge the format to anything bigger than 4x5). Easy enough to finagle the things in a commercial caliber enlarger with some creativity, but unless the film was over exposed it still looked bad. I had a few tricks to reduce the grain a bit like a purposely diffused enlarging lens element (learned that trick to tame the gamma increase in papers going from EP-2 to RA-4), but it was still garbage in garbage out.


    Try drum scanning that crap. You want grain? I got grain for you :-)


    I knew the engineers who came up with the APS format and had workshops with them. Good crew, really good engineers, and more importantly could point out the best Beer / Pizza joints in Rochester. They also knew digital was going to change everything and weren't confident of the direction kodak was going to embrace the changing technology. They literally gave away that space to Fuji and Noritsu.

  20. A quick analogy:


    Why would you copy a vinyl LP onto magnetic tape before you digitise it in order to edit out the hiss and clicks?


    Some people seem to think that complicating the image-making process automatically makes the image more 'hip' and 'arty'. They're deluded.


    Because it's analog photography, and once we go down that road you can declare anything 'artistic' and the usual groupies will declare it 'fine art' and superior to digital methods while sane folks who aren't visually impaired walk away shaking our heads. #keepingitreal


    Years ago producing an analog glossy print from a < 10mp dSLR and drum scanning the print was a common practice to 'up rez' limited digital capture. At the time there simply weren't very good upscaling RIPs on the market. Basically the analog conversion created enough noise to disguise the upscaling better than basic photoshop methods. The drawbacks however were that you had a big file but zero lattitude for making exposure corrections. Once you go to reflective print you've tossed out all the dynamic information in your shadows and highlights.


    I've seen this guys work along with a few others that do the same, and not very impressed. The tonal shifts can be replicated by any number of photoshop plugins via direct scanning negatives or using digital capture. It's a popular post processing aesthetic with child and baby photographers. The photogs doing this already have an established market and just doing something to try and be different and get clicks. The myth is that they got popular doing it. Next we'll be hearing that pre-flashing paper under an enlarger was a recent invention.

  21. One of the changes I notice in my workflow is that I take my workflow less seriously now than before. This suites the kind of photography that I do and has improved the quality of my works.


    You actually care about the content of your final image more than fiddling with gear and process? Welcome to the true definition of photography my friend. You're kicking a headwind on this website though.


    I've printed ever type of chemical process you can think of. In terms of classic wet lab the process I enjoyed the most was making 8x10 contacts with a friends view camera. Watching those puppies develop in a tray of neutol on Agfa Portriga was astonishing. It wasn't the process that was exciting, It was the expectation of knowing those final contract prints weren't going to be less than stunning, and they were.


    Then I had this client that was shooting custom cars for a national magazine back in the middle 90s, but he also wanted prints for clients to sell. This being before commercial scanning was fiscally viable we had to use conventional wet lab process. Cibachromes from his 6x7 trannies were too harsh and impossible to work with. Internegs were dull and lifeless. I was able to talk him into shooting Royal Gold 25 in 120 format in his Mamiya and I optically printed on Kodak Duraflex . Some of the best color work I've ever printed and light years better than any direct optical print from slide. Then Kodak kills off RG-25 and film scanners made it all moot anyways.


    Only time I scan film is when I have to. Sorry, but it's a stupid, illogical process taking digital pictures of film -vs- the original scene and being an engineer I can't fool myself into flat earth conclusions because I need the noise of a chemical process to think for me. My workflow has evolved based on final quality expectations. Big film optically printed the old fashioned way is fun because it delivers superb results. My digital captures ink jet printed on Hahnemuhle stock and properly profiled are just as good in their own way. Everything in between is forgettable, especially 35mm and film scanners.

  22. My Mac Pro 5,1(2010) might disagree with that statement...



    My Dell Precisions running that same 5675 processor and long since retired might strongly disagree with the ROI of hysterically over priced Mac Pro. I also think a lot of Mac users screwed into the rock and a hard place choice of that Mac Pro or vastly under powered Core Duo based iMac would disagree with you as well and have never forgiven Apple for treating them as open wallets.


    Dual socket workstations are a joke.....I don't even like using them for VMware or Hyper-V clusters because horizontal scaling is more cost effective than vertical.


    The 5675 processor also has the same per thread performance as an AMD A6, which you can only find in low end budget systems. The benefit of moving to a processor with a per thread sysmark of at least 2000 is the difference between night and day in terms of server or desktop performance. Doesn't matter what OS is running - scheduling is the same, and having lots of low powered cores doesn't make applications faster.

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