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greg s

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Everything posted by greg s

  1. <p>I ordered a 200-500 from B&H on Sept 30 and will be interested to see if I receive it before Christmas. These sorts of things will really slow down a product pipeline. The last 20 years of my career was spent doing CPU validation (ensuring correct functionality, basically trying to find fault at any level with a part), which is as critical as any other stage in product development. Historically, a CPU would receive 1+ year of validation performed by an entire department.<br> I'm not trying to jump all over Nikon, but it is a bit bewildering to see 2 such cool new lenses offered (300 f/4 VR, 200-500) only to be mired in seemingly simple to detect QC issues immediately out of the gate.<br> There, I'm done ... now to wait patiently. :)</p>
  2. <p>the 300mm looks like an amazingly short lens, and I'm under the impression that my old AF version is almost twice the weight</p>
  3. <p>Hi Rajesh, I have travelled to Australia twice with a 300mm f/4 (also 1.4x TC) and took a lot of bird/wildlife photos, quite successfully. Granted, the subjects there tend to be more approachable, but there is a lot one can do with a high quality 300mm prime (mine needs a tripod/monpod). Here are photos from those 2 trips for sake of example, all taken with Nikon's first 300mm AF f/4.<br> http://www.pbase.com/coraltown/australia_2005&page=all<br> http://www.pbase.com/coraltown/australia_2006&page=all<br> So, both of the lenses are excellent choices and I don't think you can go wrong with either. As for packing the camera/lens along on hikes, I'll inevitably have it stowed in a pack at times for quick access as opportunities arise. Currently I have a pack for my 500 f4 which I carry like a sherpa, with a tripod as well. Anything to lighten that load is what I'm looking for.</p>
  4. <p>I waited what seemed for forever for Nikon to produce a stabilized 300mm f/4, and just as I see they have finally come out with it ... they also introduce the 200-500 at an incredibly attractive price. So I'll go with the zoom as I need/want as much 'reach' as I can get. I have a Nikon 500mm f/4 and love it, but for travel it is a challenge as it requires a tripod, large carry bag, is hefty, etc. Also, it's minimum focus distance is approx 12 ft or so which is problematic for some subjects (e.g. a bird at 11 feet). To get a hand holdable Nikon 500mm lens with a min focus of 7 feet puts me in a position to easily bring the gear to other countries (or domestic hiking) with almost no hassle and get the image quality that has been shown in some early testing. Here's one of my favorite links, from a guy in Australia.<br> http://www.pbase.com/lance_b/nikon_200_to_500<br> So, I'm passing up what had been my previous dream travel lens (stabilized 300 f4) and going for the 500 zoom (hopefully with super fantastic firmware :).<br> Cheers, -Greg-</p>
  5. <p>I was in high tech for my career as well, but am sometimes a bit slow on realizations. My 1st Nikon tele was one of the old MF jobs... just gears, metal and glass. Then AF came along, AF-S, VR ... all super cool, almost magical when thinking back to those more primitive (but incredibly sharp) lenses of yesteryear ... but with the added issue of firmware and those inevitable updates. :) I'm figuring I'll be waiting awhile before B&H finally ships the one I ordered. It's such a perfect fit my my wildlife travel needs, and the price so attractive, that I will wait patiently ... and hope the tech finds his way over to B&H as often as it takes to get the job done. Thanks for the heads up Shun. Knowledge is good!</p>
  6. <p>I wonder if Nikon would still ship any affected lenses to camera shops or retrofit that f/w fix beforehand. There are a lot more of these back ordered than on a store shelf or in customer's hands. Maybe that's why it's taking so long. Also, besides user installed f/w fixes (would be wonderful), perhaps Nikon needs to strengthen its QC testing before release.</p>
  7. <p>These were the photos that caused me to put in an order for the 200-500. I have held out on buying a travel zoom for many years, but the price/performance on this one makes it an easy decision.<br> http://www.pbase.com/lance_b/nikon_200_to_500</p>
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