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Image Comments posted by dee

    Unfurling Gently


    Rescued from a fence installation two weeks ago this Calla plant seems to be

    recovering from it's transplant. Here is the first bloom from this plant. I placed a

    piece of blue foamcore behind the bloom to isolate it. Natural light, partial shade. Just

    adjusted for color and levels. Some cloning at the bottom where the foamcore didn't

    make it all the way behind the bloom. Thanks for your critique...

    Fort Point


    Fort Point is under the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, CA. The fort is

    built around an open space in the middle. The perimeter of the fort has these

    abandoned passageways. I was quite taken with the single beam of light

    streaming through this window. Comments are welcome.

    Little one

    Maybe lighten the eye just a tad, and fill in that white outline between the nose and the background -- someone else mentioned the white speck on the nose -- I'm not sure about the ear either. Great detail in the fur!

    Longtail Moth

    What a great moth, great lighting. I can't decide if I would have preferred another (different) angle, or if I like the 4 stems on the right and the purple flowers leading the eye out the frame. On one hand it does add depth and shows how the moth almost blends in and my eye does go back to the moth... anyway one neat moth I'd taken as many shots of it as it would have allowed me to...

    JJ the Turtle

    When I viewed the small size of JJ the turtle and it sharpened up it was a really nice photo. The large size does not do it any good as it looks too soft and blurry. I'd suggest downsizing it and sharpening it a bit. Turtles are fun!

    Eagles Eye

    Joking here -- tell that eagle to fix it's stray feather! Seriously, it's a neat photo except my eye keeps wandering to that darn white feather in the dark brown feather area! Could maybe use a little more contrast but that could be a monitor thing.
  1. Photographing the moon is tough. The best way to do this if the scene is stagnant (meaning no rapidly moving clouds in front) is to take two exposures, one for the moon and one for the surroundings and to blend them in a post-processing program. I wonder if you could have lightened this image just a little and still kept the dramatic feel to it. Anyway, it's still an eye-catching photo.


    I like the composition and the birds. Difficult lighting situation, you might try a contrast mask in photoshop or similar, but you might not be able to recover the hot spot. I hate when this happens to me.



    The original title of this was "wormhole" for the Sony Talk Forum challenge. This is a

    steel slinky. While I have some color versions I thought it was

    best in black and white. Comments are welcome.

    canyon wall

    Thank you for commenting on one of my photos. I must say you have an impressive collection here on photo.net. I found this capture of the canyon different from most of the other ones I've seen, love the interplay of light and dark and the curve of the wall you've captured. It must be horendous with the crowds. I've never been there but wondered how photographers managed to get shots without people in them at what must be a now very popular spot to go and take photos.



    Taken as the settng sun hit the branches. These trees look rather boring

    without that special lighting the setting sun provides. The fog was also starting

    to roll in.


    Unusual photo, but very dramatic. In camera filters? You could crop this very tight and have just as effective a photo. Either way works well.


    I love tree roots exposed. This is nicely composed with the roots forming a V shape leading to the tree which leans at an angle. I've tried root photos but had terrible luck getting any decent lighting.

    Shadow play

    Thank you for your comment. There is a small moment in time when that happens and I was trying to get my camera on the tripod and when I looked up the shadows were gone! Now to wait for another sunny day with the camera on the tripod and ready to go...
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