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Posts posted by digitalandfilm

  1. <p>I just got a bag from overseas (e-bay) that is supposed to be much better made.<br>

    <a href="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280667603447&ssPageName=ADME:X:AAQ:GB:1123">http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280667603447&ssPageName=ADME:X:AAQ:GB:1123</a><br>

    I'll use the Kalt as a back-up.<br>

    Here's one print where you can see the sprocket holes on the image:<br>

    <img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3022/5716142124_ae28e373a7_z.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="438" /></p>

    <p> </p>

  2. <p>I've always used stainless steel reels, and now that I got back into film I have the Patterson Tank and reels.<br>

    The plastic stuff is nice, and easy enough load... so I walked around 50 city blocks shooting two rolls of Legacy Pro 100 B&W film.<br>

    I got some great shots, so it's now time to process it.<br>

    Get the two rolls of film on the reels no problem, and then put the reels in the tank and close it up- no problem, right?<br>


    I put the top on *like the hat on the "Tin Man" of the Wizard of Oz*.. totally UPSIDE DOWN and when I opened the changing bag- I quickly realized it... despite the fact that the "click" is made was misleading.<br>

    Then I quickly put it back in the bag and fixed the problem... sort-of.<br>

    End result was the top roll of film was ruined.. and the second roll had some "Holga-esque" exposures, but at least I saved SOME of the shots.<br>

    When I get home later I will post a few shots I was able to save. <br>

    Live and learn... =8^)</p>

    <p> </p>

  3. <p>Clint,<br>

    The FBI's HRT (Hostage Rescue Team) use 1911's:<br>

    After an official FBI Request for Proposal (RFP) in 1997, the HRT demanded their duty pistol meet additional, more stringent standards. Eight companies responded to the RFP. Each company submitted five pistols for testing. While all of the FBI's requirements were demanding, the most rigorous was accuracy. Chosen at random, two of the five guns had to shoot no more than 1.5 in (3.8 cm) at 25 yd (23 m) for three 10-shot groups from a Ransom Rest. Then the guns would be shot for 20,000 rounds in an endurance test, after which a second accuracy test would be conducted with no more than 15 percent degradation in accuracy being acceptable. The only pistol to meet the FBI's standards was Springfield Armory's 1911 pistol. Springfield's FBI contract pistol, known as "The Professional Model" is available to civilians at a cost close to $2595.00. As a form of quality control, the gunsmith building the pistol does not know if the firearm is going to be issued to an FBI agent or a private citizen.<br>

    Zack- I'm a retired Deputy from NY and hate to say that revolvers were still issued up to the early 90's- and they can care less about "your preference" in NYC.<br>

    My main point is if a photographer with an Nikon F100 and Nikon Lens was to compare the same photo's with a photographer with a Leica -or- Zeiss Ikon RF with lenses of similar focal length and speed.</p>

    <p> </p>

  4. <p>Currently, I will be using a Nikon F100 with prime lenses (50mm f1.4 AF-D, 20mm f2.8, 85mm f2) and I finally took the time out to look at some Rangefinder cameras. I particularly liked the M7 and the Zeiss Ikon.<br>

    My major question would be.. image quality.. would there be a substantial increase in image quality from the Nikon F100 film camera/glass to the Leica M or Zeiss Ikons?<br>

    I've found the Nikon glass to be very sharp and the Nikon body to be a pleasure to use.<br>

    HOWEVER- I like the feel of the M7 and the Zeiss Ikon (in that order) and the shutter sound is awesome on the M7, and very nice on the Ikon.<br>

    If I had to make a comparison, it would be the beautiful old Colt Python from when they actually handmade and fitted parts with it's deep bluing comparing it to the Glock 9mm- they both get the job done, but the contemporary does not have the mystique of the classic.<br>

    I guess the main thing is.. the astronomical price of Leica and Zeiss bodies/glass makes it difficult to just jump over to the Rangefinder Arena.. so I would damn sure want to know there will be an appreciable and obvious difference in image quality and durability.<br>

    How do you see it?</p>

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