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Image Comments posted by mgm



    I agree with Andrew. I fooled around with your photo (I hope you don't mind; it's good practice), and came up with the above. I upped the contrast and gave it a very slight sepia-ish tint. It's a nice shot..:)



    It strikes me as a nice forum for the model to exercise her exhibitionist tendencies. I bet she had fun doing it. Erol probably had a good time too!

    Nude 9

    I like both, but I like #10 slightly better. Of course, I like the sepia-ish tint to #10 better, so making that's "coloring" (sic) my preference..? Great lighting and great profile!
  1. Looks like a painting from one of the masters! Was the content of the image manipulated at all? Because it contains an amazingly rich array of elements--it looks almost "posed"..(!) Nice.


    I like the "painted" version better. I find the subject matter a bit of an eyesore; so the painted version softens it a bit for me and puts the focus more on colors and patterns, rather than the inaesthetic details of wires, etc.

    Down time

    It's making me squint too. It does seem that the reflection in the water is especially glaring. Otherwise, it's beautiful!

    Pea and Fly

    Great vibrant colors! For some reason, I don't like the square crop; maybe it's simply because of where the lower purple flower is getting cut off. Nice..:)

    My last dream ...

    Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that the camera did all of the work (I was just being completely frank about what I actually did in response to the photo). A good camera in the hands of someone who doesn't know good photographic technique is fairly worthless. But once you start mastering technique, a 1-megapixel point-and-shoot digital camera can start to be a liability...


    I agree that the concept here would be helped by making it easier to see that this is a foot (i.e., the strong shadows make it somewhat difficult to decipher). Definitely enigmatic and eye-catching..:)


    I really like the colors and composition here. Having objects/furniture in the background gives it a nice "insitu" feel.

    My last dream ...


    My first reaction was to look up information on the camera you used; unfortunately the Canon EOS-D60 is a bit out of my current price range! This is a very nice shot, but there's some pixelation on/below the eyebrow--which may be a result of the digital processing you did*? It's a very "soothing" and beautifully simple image..:)

    *(upon a second look, I think the pixelation was a result of photo.net's image processing algorithm..)

  2. Great composition! Now, this is probably just a monitor "thing", but your image is really dark and gloomy on my monitor. I hope you don't mind, but I created a lighter version with a more reddish-brown tint (above) that really looked good on my equipment. In any case, you've got a great image to work with..:)

  3. Trying to figure out what part of Todd I'm looking at! Nicely intriguing patterns. I think I would "Photoshop out" those light specks in the upper left that look like huge dust particles. I think this would do well as a nice big print..:)
  4. This photo is very "hazy" on my monitor. Not sure if you were trying for that effect. I hope you don't mind, but I manipulated it in Photoshop (adjusting brightness, contrast, and saturation) to produce the above. It's really a nice shot!

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