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Posts posted by jerry_breault1

  1. <p>I think film could be free and it would make no difference. IMHO, what killed (is killing) film is poor processing. Too many c-41 ra-4 mini labs are run by people who do not care about the quality product they produce. People used to paying for mediocre prints are now able to get chrome like colors and contrast on their cellphone pics without waiting. They don't need the print, but if they want it Walgreens is just .29 cents away. Archival longevity is not an issue for them. What they get now is better for them than what they used to get with film.<br>

    Personally, a well made print from properly exposed and developed Ektar or Portra is what I prefer, but getting the printing done reliably well is a constant challenge.</p>

  2. <p>Bubbles or inclusions and Schneideritis are not the same. Schneideritis is a problem with the paint/coating on the edge of the lens element, a bubble or inclusion is a defect in the element itself. An inclusion could, theoretically, cause a problem. But the defect may not be visible by eye. Schneideritis should have no effect on the image at all. </p>

    <p> </p>

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