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Image Comments posted by cts

    Paris Est


    Many people said me the building looks like 'this' or 'that' (many things and objects) coming from the left ...

    But for me, it was just a building !

    Funny to see how a picture 'speaks' differently to people.

  1. David: Vraiment 'bien posé', calme et sérénité... malgré les traces de ski ;) not so lost in the middle of nowhere :)

    Yes, the photo was taken while sitting on the 'Super Morzine' chair lift (télésiège).

    I had to turn 90° right (and even more !) to have this picture.

    Another 'snow' series is coming. Be patient. :-))

    Place du Tertre

    Je préfère de beaucoup cette photo à celle qui a été choisie.

    Oui, nombreux sont de ton avis. Peut-être parce qu'elle est beaucoup plus contrastée et que sur un écran d'ordinateur, forcément, ce sont les photos contrastées et saturées qui tapent plus à l'oeil.

    J'ai laissé un petit commentaire pour participer à la discussion. j'espère n'avoir pas dit trop de bétises.

    Non, non. Pas de problème. Tout le monde est libre de donner son avis.




    The modern/classical contrast is interesting.

    Unfortunately, your scan looks like a "paper" scan (not a film scan).

    Maybe could you obtain a beter result by setting differently the black point (pulling the black parts to real black pixels, not greyish).

  2. The shot was taken with a Ricoh GR1v compact camera on a table top tripod Manfrotto 210B/MB18.

    The place was very narrow (a corridor around the main dome of the Sacre Coeur, see picture), so the small tripod was a good choice.

    It was also difficult (but not impossible) to find a place where to be stable with the tripod. As you can see, there is no plane wall where you could easily put the tripod.

    I used Portra 100T film exposed 8s at f8. I chose negative because of the high contrast of the illuminated tower with the cityscape. Another problem was the flare caused by the powerful floodlights. The lens hood of the GR1v helped there.

    I converted the picture in b&w with channel mixing with different coefficients for the upper sky, lower sky, city and tower (see original picture below).

  3. Là aussi, pas facile de faire quelque chose du 17-28 ...

    A ta place, là, j'aurai cadré avec moins de ciel et plus d'immeubles en bas, quitte à augmenter la focale à 24 ou 28mm.

    Ici, je trouve le ciel trop uni, à moins que tu ne l'assombrisses un peu.

    En horizontal, le super-grand angle aurait donné quelque chose d'intéressant, je pense.

  4. ... but I would have moved to the right to have the tower masking the sun. And keeping this underexposition for having a nice detail in the sky and the clouds.

    I would also darken or even crop the bottom reflects. But if the sun would have been masked by the tower, there wouldn't have this reflect ...

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