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Posts posted by peter_schauss2

  1. <p>Does anyone have experience with the long term keeping properties of Freestyle's replacement for HC-110? I read somewhere that whatever it was that made HC-110 so thick might have been responsible for the long term stability of this developer.</p>
  2. <p>In the winter I start with two mason jars, one with water at room temperature and the other with hot water. I add hot water to the first jar until I get the temperature that I want. In the summer, I just add an ice cube to the room temperature water and remove it when the temperture gets to 68.<br>

    Since I use Rodinal or HC-110, the quantities of developer are small enough that they have little effect on the final temperature.<br>

    If the temperature in my basement is too warm or cold, I use a water bath to maintain the temperature while developing.</p>

  3. <p>Thanks for all of the suggestions. I posted the question here because I had an idea that I should steer my son toward a Nikon. I have a couple of Nikon 35mm cameras and lenses and have been impressed with their build quality. From an engineering point of view I like the fact that Nikon has managed to keep the same basic lens mounting system since they started building SLRs in the last 50's, unlike Canon, Minolta, and Pentax. The idea is that if he starts out with a Nikon system he will be able to grow it without loosing his entire investment as he finds that he needs more capabilities.</p>
  4. <p>I shoot film almost exclusively so I have not kept up with Nikon's digital offerings. My son and daughter-in-law have asked me for advice selecting a DSLR to record the growth and progress of our new grandson. As far as I can tell they are looking for a camera which will take good still pictures and short videos. I suspect that most of their pictures will be either posted on line or sent to friends and family with a few 5x7s and an occassional 8x10. I would also expect that they will use the camera's automated features more than 90% of the time.<br>

    One of my coworkers who is seriously into digital recommended the D90 with the 18-105mm VR lens, but I am wondering if this is overkill. My daughter uses a simple Pentax Optio to take pictures of her daughter and her only complaint about that camera is the shutter lag problem.<br>

    Given the way he is going to use the camera can my son get by with one of the lesser Nikon models and, if so, which one?</p>

  5. <p>On my FT2, the lens mounts OK. I turn the aperture ring counter clockwise to the smallest opening, as part of the process of setting the camera's maximum aperture. That works, but when I try to turn the aperture ring back to f2, the largest opening, something blocks it. I can fix the problem by reaching up into the part of the prism structure which overhangs the front of the camera with a paper clip and pushing up on a tiny lever which is hanging down. Once that is out of the way, the aperture ring can turn all the way back and everything works fine until the next time I change the lens.<br>

    What is going on here?</p>

  6. <p>Regarding the two pictures that I just posted, the negatives that I developed in HC110 were significantly more dense what I get with other films, but they did print quite well. The ones that I did in Rodinal were rather thin and were a bit more difficult to print. With my third and last roll I will either try HC110 at about 7 minutes or Rodinal at 10 minutes.<br>

    One other thing that I noticed about this film is that if clears about twice as fast as Tri-X and Plus-X. Does that mean that it has a thinner emulsion or is it the anti-halation layer?</p>

  7. <p>I just called Freestyle. The are sold out of Arista Premium 100 in 100 foot rolls. Luckily I have about half a roll in my bulk loader and another full 100 foot roll in my freezer. Plus-X was ,and still is, my favorite film, but lately I have been shooting mostly Tri-X and Double-X because I need the extra speed so my stock of Plus-X will probably last me a while.<br>

    Luckily, I like the results (grain and contrast) that I get with the current version of Tri-X in HC-110 (H).</p>

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