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Posts posted by cfphoto

  1. <p>Lightroom is great for this kind of stuff. Takes a bit to learn, but once you figure out it's power great. Invaluable for me.</p>


    <i>Signature URL deleted per photo.net <A HREF="http://www.photo.net/info/guidelines"><b>Community Guidelines</b></A> - http://www.photo.net/info/guidelines:<br>

    1. No signatures on forum posts. You may not post a block of text or and/or an image and/or your website URL at the end of your posts saying who you are and/or containing a quote and/or other material unrelated to the subject under discussion.<br>

    2. Don't post links to your website or online galleries. There's a field in your user profile where you can add your website or gallery URL in case anyone is interested in finding it.</i><br>

  2. <p>For what it's worth, I find the using LR as opposed to PS has cut my work flow significantly. There are lots of folks on the web who've written about their workflow in LR as examples, a search should turn up a bunch.</p>

    <p>Good luck, <a href="Http://www.chrisfesslerphoto.com">Chris</a></p>


    <i>Per photo.net <A HREF="http://www.photo.net/info/guidelines"><b>Community Guidelines</b></A> - http://www.photo.net/info/guidelines:<br>

    1. No signatures on forum posts. You may not post a block of text or and/or an image and/or your website URL at the end of your posts saying who you are and/or containing a quote and/or other material unrelated to the subject under discussion.<br>

    2. Don't post links to your website or online galleries. There's a field in your user profile where you can add your website or gallery URL in case anyone is interested in finding it.</i><br>

  3. <blockquote>

    <p>I think that is a bit of an extreme statement</p>


    <p>I'm sure many great photographer do just fine with shooting in JPG. I'm a bit anal in that if I can have total control over my photograph/negative, and not have the camera make some decisions for me, I'd rather have it that way. <br>

    I was trying to impress up him how much of a diffenecr it can make, especially as a beginning photographer.</p>

    <p>Again, good luck.

  4. <p>Once you learn how to use RAW and RAW editing software, you'll never turn back. Many good resources have already been listed. I don't believe Adobe Lightroom has been suggested yet...it is a great Raw Editing tool that many professional photographers use.<br>

    Good luck,

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