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Image Comments posted by plangereis



    Hi Stephen.  Thanks for your comments.  I don't know if you have been to Vancouver or not, but we get a lot of rain here!  I think that is what the artist's intent was with this sculpture.  Take care, my friend, and I hope you and your family have a fantastic Christmas holiday!


    Green Visions


    I have to agree with what most people have said, Marc....Simply amazing landscape!  I love northern lights images, but I think yours takes the prize.  The ice elements in the foreground really are unique, and make the image.  Thanks for sharing how you did this shot!  All the best.



    Hi again, Ben.  It is funny that you mention that aspect of this image.  At first i thought about trying to remove that bright area, but then I realized that it added its own interest to the image, and supports the shininess of the sculpture.  Thanks again for stopping by my humble little world and providing me with your insights.  Take care, and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!

  1. Hi Stephen.  I looked at all your versions and I have to admit I like the B&W version the best.  I am glad that you stuck to less contrast instead of more as it maintains the ethereal feeling this way.  Nice shot.


  2. Hi Marsel.  This is a very original take on a place so well know and shot by many photographers.  One of the best I have seen.  A brilliant idea to make it different than the rest!  Take care, and all the best.


    Redwood Park


    Thanks Bobby.  Like I said to Stephen, I love being out in the fog as it adds so much more drama and mystery to an image.  I showed my grade 6/7 students this image at my school today, and all of them said it looked spooky or eerie.  I politely thanked them, and told them that they made my day!  They walked away puzzled.  Take care, Bobby, and thanks for stopping by and commenting on my humble image.


    Redwood Park


    Hi Stephen.  First off, thanks for commenting on this image.  I am very pleased to see that you have touched on feelings that I had when shooting this structure at this park.  I think part this ominous feeling is because of the fog, and the contrast between the structure and the tree branches.  I also think part of it has to do with my processing (using split toning in Lightroom).  Anyway, I feel like I succeeded with this one based on your comments and observations.  Thank you for that.  I am presently sitting in my classroom with a smile on my face!  I hope you have a great holiday, Stephen, and that the new year brings many special image-making opportunities for you.


    Redwood Park


    A shot I took today at redwood Park in Surrey. I love shooting in the

    fog because of the reduction in depth and eeriness. I was also

    playing with split toning in Lightroom 2. Let me know what you think

    of the image, and the split toning.

  3. I love this image.  It is very surreal.  The lighting is very dramatic, and the long exposure provides a nice ghosting effect with the man getting on the train.  I am also amazed at the detail in this image, and the contrast between the train and the background.  A very nice image. 7/7

    Canyon Cascade


    Hi Steve.  This is by far one of the most beautiful shots I have seen of this area.  The lighting is magical, and the longer exposure works really well with the water to give it a dream-like effect, and keep the focus on the lovely tree in the background.  Amazing, and well worth your effort!


  4. Thanks Suresh and Charles.  I am most likely going to enter this image as one of three into a friendly club competition.  All the best to the two of you, and thanks for stopping by and commenting on this image.



    Jama Maszid


    Hi Pankaj.  I love this image.  I like the way you have divided the space with the flat wall in the foreground, and the perspective created with the hall in the background.  The characters in this  image suggest a nice story that is open to interpretation because of the characters' position and posture.  The lighting is the icing on the cake so to speak.  Very nice work.

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