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Posts posted by john_golden2

  1. <p>hi, the camera used in that shot of the tree was a calumet 8x10 C1 w/4x5 back, that tree had been catching my eye for about 3 weeks, i drive by it almost everyday, its right on a river bank of a fairly wide river so the only way i could get the image i wanted was to use my longest lens which is a 480mm of course no way my 4x5 could handle a lens like that so i used my 8x10 with the back, something about that tree and how it just stood out among the evergreens, thanks for the comment on it. if i digitaly print a picure i get rid of the dust in post using ps elements, if im printing in the darkroom as big as i can go is 11x14 i just make sure the neg is nice and clean, that dang scanner picks of every particle of everything lol, i have this duster thingy that i use on the glass before i scan, usually it does a pretty good job</p>
  2. <p>Hey Tony, yes that 65 is super super wide, it was a bit too wide for me, that was the reason i sold it, i knew i would probably use it only once in a great while, its a great lens though, very sharp. my 90 is a caltar wII f8 which they say is the same as the super angulon, mine is muticoated though, my old SA was single coated but still a great lens. when you get a chance to shoot with the 65 post the images, looking forward to seeing what you do with it. my next shoot, im going to put my 90 on my 5x7, will be pretty close to the view of the 65 on the 4x5. </p>
  3. <p>hi allen i did scan the negative directly, cool thing about 8x10 is just about any lens will work great for contact prints, i have a very old wollensak wide angle that i use sometimes and you can hardly tell the difference between it and the coated SA that i use, Rob thanks so much for the kind words. </p>
  4. <p>hi allen, i scanned these on my epson v700, i post here and my flickr account. what lens do you have? i have a couple lenses for 8x10, my favorite lens is my 19inch red dot artar. it doesnt have a shutter though. i use a salad dressing jar lid, which is fine because most of my exposures with it are long. amazing how much that lens goes for in a shutter. </p>
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