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Posts posted by JamieHarre

  1. It's been too long since I posted, but I recently added a D750 to the stable and love it.

    I was challenged by a fellow guest at a wedding to take zoom blur photos, so here's one from a Smithsonian art museum light display. Desaturated to B&W in Photoshop.

    D750, Tamron 24-70mm, ISO 200, f/22, .77 secnikonDSC_3495.jpg.b9edf18c58878ac5942002b0bda4783e.jpg

  2. <p>Nikon Buddies,<br>

    As usual, Wednesday is a great day to enjoy the "scenery" here on the Nikon page. Martin Z: I'm enjoying your series. <br />Peter H: that stick in #1 looks long enough to reach you, and your subject looks irritated...be careful out there. Kyle B: <br />love the blue bonnets with bessie. Roberta and Ilkka: you always catch my attention.<br>

    Perhaps not a wallflower, per se, but I was surprised to find that we have clematis flourishing, this year, on a corner of our <br />house that I must not frequent. Hundreds of blooms saucer sized blooms of blue violet "hiding" out in the open. So <br />much beauty, just waiting to be seen.</p><div>00caMM-548267484.jpg.2a4437d57b7a905785d49f97816b353a.jpg</div>

  3. <p>Nikon Buddies,<br>

    Another great week for the Nikon shooters. My favorites are Roberta's hummingbird pics, showing the amazing detail and iridescence of their throats and such, as well as Lorne's Orchid images. Thanks for sharing!<br>

    Mine is an outdoor portrait of a favorite subject of mine. The rainy day turned into a sunny afternoon.</p><div>00cToe-546655984.jpg.a69993ae3e48ee0e8602fef908d5c881.jpg</div>

  4. <p>3/19/14<br />Nikon Buddies,<br>

    Wayne found an aging VW bus, there. Probably about a '66. But the crocheted tire cover is what really strikes me. Also striking to me are the contributions from Shash C, Rick D, Jon E (better pay attention to what you're doing), D.F., and Todd J (pier).<br>

    For my entries, though it may be uninteresting to everyone else, I bought this toy because I thought it would make a good picture. Maybe you'll agree, maybe not. The second and third photos are rotated one quarter turn, because I liked them better that way. All of them use a wireless triggered flash on the white paper backdrop, but notice the different lenses.</p><div>00cSkU-546409784.jpg.a351d95c8b3be40a7913faa0fd166d91.jpg</div>

  5. <p>Nikon Buddies,<br>

    Thanks all for sharing. Shout outs to John P. and your oak leaves, Rodeo Joe and your sweet memories, Shun and your teal.<br>

    We spent the last few days before Christmas in NYC. <br />1. Here are some decorations outside our hotel.<br />2. The Manhattan skyline from the Brooklyn side. In the rain.</p><div>00cIOn-544744484.jpg.20f41b6e54d85334d7e76312b66b7388.jpg</div>

  6. <p>Nikon Buddies,<br>

    It's been months since I've posted, but I never miss looking. So many excellent photos, today! Matt, truly a lighting challenge which you nailed; also, Tony (Parc Tremblant) , Tim W, Tom, Tim H, and Mark, you've all delivered on the atmospherics. I feel calm...<br>

    My posts are from my wonderings during a brief sunshiny moment in the late afternoon: Fall meets golden hour.</p><div>00c3dg-542970984.jpg.532699fa7c375e589203befb08d2d45b.jpg</div>

  7. <p>Nikon Buddies,<br>

    Another great day in Nikon land. Among my faves are from Robert W (pitcher pic), John P (buck), Stanley B (bull frog), and Young J (rattlesnake grass).<br>

    My post is a shot of just two of many blooms from a passion fruit vine that surprised me by surviving the Virginia winter to thrive this spring.</p><div>00bjcD-540759984.jpg.fd0a782215eea6539e025b0200f4ed89.jpg</div>

  8. <p>Matt, what is up with those "drunken-looking blurry shots"? I like your pictures better.<br>

    What I'm posting is from a weekend trip to Great Wolf Lodge. My challenge was to get silky water, without getting too much people motion (or photographer motion, since I was shooting hand-held). I thought this one had an eerie quality that was worthy. The only post-processing was to reduce the image size.</p>


  9. <p>Nikon Buddies,<br>

    Happy 12.12.12! Among the reasons I look forward to Wednesdays is to see photos like the ones posted today by Matt L, Michael F, Dieter S, John R, Bill B, Scott S, Martin Z, Markku V, Rick M.<br>

    I'm posting a couple of Christmas themed shots that I like.</p><div>00b7hk-508075684.jpg.3e574dbabd9d01105df960be939be859.jpg</div>

  10. <p>Nikon Buddies,<br>

    Beautiful pics: some of my favorites are Rick D, Bill N, Robert M, Scott P.</p>

    <p>First picture: This is what was out my window this morning. I have no idea where <br />they came from nor where they went, but I grabbed my camera while I had the <br />chance.</p><div>00b6Ff-507153584.jpg.81e439dc7bfe22077118196aa7016713.jpg</div>

  11. <p>Nikon Buddies,<br>

    Lots to be thankful for, today, including Matt's recovering dog, and pup photo, <br />and photos from Bogdan N, Bob D and Wenshu C.<br>

    I found myself in Atlanta's Centennial Olympic Park, this weekend, with my <br />camera, but not my tripod. Fortunately, there was a ledge that served my purpose.</p><div>00b3KY-505351584.jpg.63a61a60faca78a3eac3158d4b91e9c0.jpg</div>

  12. <p>9/19/2012<br />Nikon Buddies,<br>

    Much to like today, especially Chris R. Speaker. I love everything about that shot. Jose Curiel, I'm cracking up looking at those two girls in front of your first shot; great capture.<br>

    I'm cheating a little, today, as I've got four pictures in one. But all four are required to spell "LOVE". This couple had a great time in our photo booth at a recent wedding. This was one of their sessions. They're looking up at the monitor, instead of at the camera, but I thought they did a great job. Oh, and I replaced the bride and groom caption with our logo.</p><div>00aqFS-497143584.jpg.a16236aa45d17af9862c8e623747d0c4.jpg</div>

  13. <p>Nikon Buddies,<br>

    Today is an awesome day in Nikonland. Shout outs to Lorne S, Bob D, Ilkka N, Jeannean, jim i, Akiva S (1 and 2).<br>

    I hope that my photo meets the day's criteria of being "remarkable in its unremarkableness".</p><div>00alz3-493875584.jpg.a624df971662ab3d54d2170e917e37ca.jpg</div>

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